Monday, June 28, 2010

Footprints On Shoulder Tattoo

Frank McCourt - Hey, Professor! Paola

The author of Angela's Ashes still shines in this book, very different and sometimes deeper, more human as the other but with more mature ideas and rich experience.
Frank is a man (born in America, grew up in Ireland to Irish parents, and returned to America as a teenager) extraordinarily sensitive, emotional, humble, and who loves literature, commitment, the deep contact with his students. This book is a long story and once again the path of a piece of his life, the life that brought him to America, including vocational schools, high schools and colleges.

For him, teaching is a mission and gratification. He teaches but learns, grows, but grows himself, make their way into the light of the eyes of his boys. Boys
multifaceted classes with faces and accents from all over the world, that sometimes ignorance, reading, I was stunned. And of course, a face-up on America, so distant and so different from what we see, how we think, how we live by ourselves. The environment the school is described in loving and critical. But the kids are getting them: naive, lazy, appalled, inattentive, forcibly realistic.
What's in a teacher? What's behind the lives of those who live for a job he loves, and he can do just that, despite allowing just survival? A real man, wonderful, romantic and very rich man who is displayed in all its beauty (and weakness). Without shame.

"horizons were better human beings. Mica annoyed other horizons"
"And 'the language to reveal the man. Speak. So I can see you"

 Ehi, prof!

Hey, Professor!
Frank McCourt
Adelphi, 2008
€ 11.00

Monday, June 7, 2010

Best Drugstore Non Comedogenic Foundation

Mastrocola - Happiness float

Third collection of poems for Mastrocola after The breeding ground of which God and Amazed.
Not having read the first two I can not say much about the past (the collection of more than 10 years ago), but this little booklet just out in library interior is a song that once again the author turns to its core compatible. If you loved A boat in the woods you can only appreciate and feel very close to the interior of this writer that both communicates and gives so much. I browsed in the library, but then I went to the library to buy it, just to have him with me every now and reread it.
depth, diversity, elevation, as always, the feelings of the sublime and special Mastrocola for those who understand it.

La felicità del galleggiante
Happiness float
Mastrocola Paola
Guanda, 2010
€ 13.00