Monday, April 27, 2009

How Much Should I Pay For A Les Paul Special 1990

Horoscope April 25.

Cancer " In some tick the fear of not being safe for the events that we see today in the square. Do not think of bad things: the Moon is protecting you. "
this sms I received on April 25. I had sought with the wind services.
Now I doubt that ... oh well Amedeo writes the horoscope in a newspaper ad ... but who writes the horoscopes wind ...

Friday, April 17, 2009

How To Write A Get Well Card Broken Leg

New forms of protest against the propaganda!

and learn step by

WANTED willing and free thinkers. Creative young people. Graphic designer. Artists. Videomaker. Musicians. Thinkers. Students. Workers.

must use other methods than demonstrations, internet etc. .. videocracy must fight on the same floor! something new, create a liberal think tank with new forms of protest and a network of capillaries with continuous and efficient way.The partecipazzione demonstrations in the streets if not corroborated by the machine videocratica not have the force!

Any idea, even the smallest can be valid only if connected to the others. We must assume that rekindle the critical sense of every Italian is not possible by a one-off event. Alone the street protests have no value if the media does not deal with it, as obviously is and will be.

Everything is useful, leave flyers in every metro, bus stop, walk around with badges or stickers, videos on youtube, put the ball on the balcony tv with dvd various documentaries and comapgnia uncomfortable to Berlusconi, the upholster City of posters continually against this political class. My ideas are trivial, but together we can create wanting a network of protest. Italy has provided useful bisogno.Tutto videocratico Italian circumvent the system and as long as you complete other forms of protest. But again even the smallest form of protest gathers strength when connected to a thousand. Who wants to do is come forward.

We create the foundations for a Viral Rioting !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone who wishes to join can leave a comment or send an email! Begins to activate!

Mansion Garden Sims 2 No Cd


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bangbross Watch Free Ask

FEFF09 eleventh year ... but ...

hey hey! bad luck at least in the beginning ... Udine Far East Film Festival is tinged yellow again this year (not because the films have to subject only the yellow and suspense, but because asia back in Udine!) and indeed the evening of April 24 there will be yellow at night (that is, the classic white to Asian topic ) ... and also will be organized in more super danceable chip evenings at the Teatro San Giorgio ... but why is not the calendar: (
2 years ago had been placed road signs indicating the Asian cities, such as tokio passes 2000th km ... disorienting the peaceful routine and drivers from Friuli this year ... what will happen? mah?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Cause Of Aching Knees

exhibition ELTOFO and number 9 ...

Yeahhhhh! 9:04:09 I saw the last show of the Navel ELTOFO to cividale ELTOFO and even himself! with a lot of performance art in action! people could be percu portrait done at the minute, just going ready ready!

this year began very badly hurt and in fact continues (see the latest), but with the theme meetings is growing well ... and also always returns the number 9 ...

I am intrigued by these coincidences, so I went to see various esoteric doctrines, eg. numerology and Kabbalah ... all things scientificissime:))) but sometimes it's fun to see if they coincide with reality ...

No. 9: "Solitude and suffering. The ninth sphere. Sex. Sexual alchemy or transmutation.

This is the number of perceptive and receptive. It symbolizes the hermetic mysticism.

Nine was considered a sacred number by the ancients and, therefore, was not associated with any letter of the Chaldean. It represents change, invention and growth through inspiration. Nine is a humanitarian one and it was considered of particular importance from the fact that it takes nine calendar months for the gestation of a child.

It 's the number of energy, aggressiveness, and both of mysticism, it is associated with Mars. "

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Calories On Chicken Curry

earthquake and what really happens ...

the blog

"The eagle is no longer

Here I am. The last post was not written in my hand. He was my friend Clare, who wrote from Bologna. That's me. The situation is tragic. Indescribable. And I my family have lost everything: homes, work, past life roots. ALL. urlaste But what I want for me is the rage of being left alone. Abruzzesi We have been sent to death deliberately. It was months and months of shock and no one has ever spoken. No newspaper, no TG. NO. NESSUNO.NESSUNO. No emergency plan had been prepared. We were sent to death. They would have us evacuate. The earthquake of 700 had the same series, the same time. Same. And they assuring us. They speak of 200 dead. Lie. There are a thousand. It is not over. And the mayor of the displaced are 60mila.Denuncio quell'imbelle Cialente. The president of the province Stefania Pezzopane. All the authorities. L'Aquila is not. Fu. And we are all with you. You get into town and you have more points of reference. My husband came this morning. He 's back to camp for displaced people. Do not connect. He did not know even his name. They are shiny. The things I say are true. See you soon. Anna