Friday, April 10, 2009

Cause Of Aching Knees

exhibition ELTOFO and number 9 ...

Yeahhhhh! 9:04:09 I saw the last show of the Navel ELTOFO to cividale ELTOFO and even himself! with a lot of performance art in action! people could be percu portrait done at the minute, just going ready ready!

this year began very badly hurt and in fact continues (see the latest), but with the theme meetings is growing well ... and also always returns the number 9 ...

I am intrigued by these coincidences, so I went to see various esoteric doctrines, eg. numerology and Kabbalah ... all things scientificissime:))) but sometimes it's fun to see if they coincide with reality ...

No. 9: "Solitude and suffering. The ninth sphere. Sex. Sexual alchemy or transmutation.

This is the number of perceptive and receptive. It symbolizes the hermetic mysticism.

Nine was considered a sacred number by the ancients and, therefore, was not associated with any letter of the Chaldean. It represents change, invention and growth through inspiration. Nine is a humanitarian one and it was considered of particular importance from the fact that it takes nine calendar months for the gestation of a child.

It 's the number of energy, aggressiveness, and both of mysticism, it is associated with Mars. "


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