Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cute Lower Hip Tattoo Ideas

Marco Missiroli - Darkness on

He did not hit the young Missiroli this writer with his first book I read. I found it stale and boring, the ending is understood from the beginning and the suffering is told more as a matter of entering school in the true feelings of the protagonist.
The story is that of a lame, a little girl who was born with an atrophied leg in a small town closed and bigoted, where everything must be perfect and where there is no place for the maimed. The girl is the daughter of the mayor of R. R point (R) is the name that the author chooses for the country. I have not yet figured out which means R and I found it a bit 'annoying! A. What does this mean? I wish I knew.

For children who are born in some way sick but also to those who are ill is expected dust cake, which is a deadly poison, so that the country remains pure and nothing and nobody can make decadent. The mayor decides not to give the dust cake to her daughter, putting himself against all odds and trying to make people understand that she's a girl like all the others. The child grows
indoors, inside his home, in the company of another child, called "crazy". You want to play with other children who see through the window, would have a normal life and do not understand why she is denied. The father decides to teach it from a teacher at home, and that in itself is uplifting. But not enough. The inhabitants of R. are fierce against the lame and the fool, do not want them, despise them and would like to see them dead. Until one day change the mayor's father and the mother of the now grown child can not do anything, and life becomes very difficult.
growth in the darkness, a darkness that you feel him and you can not get rid of, maybe not anyone taught you, you may not have enough strength, maybe you're just a small window on the world weak and incapable. But one day everything changes because fate in the end, along with justice, restore peace in at least one heart.

The novel is, unfortunately, I do not like, or at least has not left me much. The constant references to the two main characters (the girl and the baby a bit 'out of my head) with the name of "lame" and "crazy" has made the book a bit poetic and perhaps too dismissive. The feelings of the girl could be more detailed, rather than a simple external view of things, events, movements, with no hint of introspection or inner feelings. The author is still sliding and the book reads quickly, although I have done a really great effort. The cover I really liked most of the novel!

"then the song remained silent until the pain on the skin. Then began"

Il buio addosso

Darkness on
Missiroli Marco
Guanda, 2007
€ 15.00


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