Monday, September 20, 2010

Tiffany Towers Current

Paola Mastrocola - The hen flying

A book light and pleasant, that you read in a hurry, and retaining all the authenticity of a writer you always leaves something in it.
It tells the story of Carla, a teacher of high school dissatisfied with the school and maybe even a bit 'of his life, and ultimately finds that such relief is building with his hands, a chicken coop with 24 chickens, 12 per day and 12 for the night. His dream is definitely impossible to fly a chicken, but it does not flutter, but just make them take flight, like any other bird. Why else would the chickens wings? Between entertainment and reality Mastrocola us again generously in his world of school, life, sadness, and shows us a woman strong and fragile, you do not give up and he is looking for in every way to give a reason, to dig thoroughly, to illuminate the way for those who can understand.

The school seen through younger eyes, perhaps still naive and hopeful, to be a teacher but also by a woman, mother and wife, who asks for more and choosing the souls on their way to help them compatible . So try to do with his favorite pupil, named Carla as her, help her to give him a motivation, a deeper meaning in life, though, when it dominates the poverty, there is little to be done.
Eventually the protagonist gets its way, that is to fly one of his very funny chickens? The studies all but its all believe, we believe tight! It makes up a share of its own. That will lead to a real competition for hens!
between frustration and another, and another and another, the Mastrocola shows us a woman tired and dizzy, perhaps, who care nothing and everything, but still firm in his ideals, with the desire to change that filled with the constant desire for renewal, and the disappointment, always on, of social decay in the school and everything that goes around.
Cute, fun, as fun to read!

La gallina volante

The hen flying
Mastrocola Paola
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2005
€ 14.00


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