Thursday, October 21, 2010

Acl And Meniscus Surgery

Sherry Argov - Big suffer

A Manual for the good girls or girls bitches? book that my Mom, I'm almost shocked.
Obviously a gift, I would never have thought of buying such a book. But Sherry Argov is tamely ruthless and his suggestions are not that be underestimated.

In essence, the book summarizes the rules to win men and women. We say that general rules can be applied to most men. And the title, but not too ironic, "Big suffer", is definitely fits perfectly, especially if you are a doormat women who leave tame by any "asshole" to your front steps. Needless to say, I love, Sherry Argov is the kind of woman fighter who can make you feel heaven but hell.

The book is rather schematic and sometimes essential. I would say in some places also quite useful. But let's not forget that men are not all equal and that, above all, when you love, the rules can never (or hardly ever) to apply. I wondered what would serve such a book to a bitch who knows how to behave with men, and consequently bring down at his feet the man she wants. There are really so weak that women accept anything from the first date, even if they are in love? If so, I hope they are a minority!
The psychological analysis of the male gender is still very good. The author is brilliant and intelligent men and know them well! I think that this book will be helpful to inexperienced, perhaps the young. But it is also a sympathetic hand to give to some friends a little 'unlucky in love, who can laugh about it and take strength from a new writing certainly engaging, lovable and winning! Congratulations to the author!

If you enjoyed this review, you can buy the book here

 Falli soffrire. Gli uomini preferiscono le stronze

Big suffer. Gentlemen Prefer bitches
Sherry Argov
Piemme, 2007
€ 10.00


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