Thursday, October 7, 2010

Navy Eod Should I Get Prk Before I Join Navy Eod?

Tiziano Sclavi - Monsters

A very special book, it seems almost a cartoon, and a marked extreme realism. A book that should be taken to nerves, and not suitable for people who love to dream. The reality is told with great harshness and detachment, as indeed what it is inescapable.

The story of three sick children and their lives told within the walls of a shared room in a hospital. Medical visits, breakfasts, lunches and dinners are all equal, the round of medical students who are sometimes good ... sometimes disastrous and gossip in the corridors between nurses, patients and suicide profound expectation on the results of examinations, that make life full of hope, even when hope is only a dream.
Tiziano Sclavi is a connoisseur of the human spirit, tells the story as a medical person who knows both from the standpoint of the physician and patient, or otherwise such things as someone who has seen them up close. Ciccio, a dwarf, Gnägi, mentally retarded and Sam, a boy without limbs, live their daily tragedy, with resignation. But Ciccio not to be won, and continues to trust the words of those who settled the stuffing of a chimera illusory. But it is not perhaps the desire for healing? This is not the vain illusion of who knows he is sick, feels deep within himself that will never heal but continues to dream? A true story and so real that they are almost creepy. The main characters are called "monsters." People who are not normal, marginalized people, people to whom life has made the bad joke of incapacity. So not only marginalized, but adults, teenagers, children, monsters who survive every day, whose days are all alike, and who wait, hold back, playing only their atonement: the hopeless path towards death.

"I think that is the same thing out here. But more must be lugging his own shadow"
"thought that silence was the emptiness of that space, how space is true that almost everything is made of vacuum, and only if you meet every once in a planet full of craters "
" Sometimes I think I'm almost lucky not to have to take arms, and failed to to leave "


Tiziano Sclavi
Edizioni BD, 2010
€ 17.00


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