Sunday, December 26, 2010

Stripper Term Tie Off

Ian Sansom - The Case of the missing books

The cover of this book is almost an antique very fascinating. I bought it but usually are not very attracted to yellow, though soft as this.
The story of Israel, a graduate in literature, a typical British man who lives in London with girlfriend super busy in tow, he always eats out, it's almost a failed business, sees nothing but the food in London, coffee London, the shops of London, London's expensive clothes, etc.. Israel, a man not just beautiful and a little 'round but highly educated, who dreams of becoming a major bibilioteca the librarian finds himself take a job in Northern Ireland, and facing a trip that will not be at all what he expected. On his arrival in fact, he realizes that the library in which he was to serve as a temporary library is closed, there is nobody, absolutely nobody! And in addition there are books! 15,000 books were taken away to all, in short, someone has stolen them!

Israel, for various vicissitudes, he finds himself without a job, no money, no decent clothes and is forced to accept a position very different from what he believed: a librarian Bibliobus (a truck that would accommodate Volumes have been stolen and traveling a certain number of stops each day, like a real bus, but where is the law!), a battered van to be upgraded without books and really difficult to drive! The whole is surrounded by quirky characters (and most Irish!) Of the small village of Tundrum: people who speak with an accent not quite exciting, no clothes, does not know the minimum academic language, the judge a city snob, not do his own business but also the cultural knowledge which is much lower than normal. Israel feels lost, estranged and excluded. So different, awkward, an elegant man a little 'nerd immersed in the Irish countryside is constantly flooded by the rain, without aid, without his girlfriend (who even answers the phone) and a job that must complete in order to have the money to return to his beloved London and drunk, finally, a decent cup of coffee.
The character Inglese man is very well outlined by the author, and the diversity with people of Ireland (but I'm not too sure may correspond to a realistic view). The love of books is evident but not strong enough to win. The halo that you can almost touch each page is dull, not bright and I was not convinced that much. Yellow is very soft and perhaps more suitable for me but still soft, keep glued to the pages but without a short suspenseful that there must be, the periods should arrive at the climax are very long and they almost lose their appetite to find out ... the highlight of this language is so simple that could then be read by a child of the medium, even if the references to literary, artistic and television and many are reported with a numerino at the end of the book. A weak character, who manages to solve the mystery by-case basis, without any spirit of investigation, and that, given the lack of character intended by the author, has not left me much. A book light, if not light, to read for fun, but do not expect anything more. It is a large yellow, not a great novel. The cover mentions Alexander McCall Smith and his character strong Precious Ramotswe. No type of comparison may be, in my opinion, done. By chance or luck, Precious is a woman of character, Israel is a man devoid of personality. It remains a nice idea, but could be better developed by the author.

Il caso dei libri scomparsi. Le storie del Bibliobus di Tundrum

The case of the missing books. The stories of the Bibliobus Tundrum
Ian Sansom
TEA, 2009
€ 12.00


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