Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Difference Between Studless

Federica Bosco - 101 ways to forget your ex and find another one immediately

A handbook of advice for girls abandoned by their boyfriends, and who are all of a sudden the sun unexpectedly. 101 tips on a climb from the first day to the last, the first difficult step to the summit, where you will be free, you are free and not slaves of the love of a man who no longer wants to be able to find it and thousands of others, maybe you looked down!
Federica Bosco has a compelling writing, and it definitely has! A collection of humor and misunderstandings, fragments of his life and dictated by suggestions female heart in a very supportive and sensitive. To laugh, but some things are just true, and I identify with some words and some glimpses of my past.

The book is divided into 3 phases. The first with 10 commandments, and that is what not to do too much drinking, smoking, eating, tangled, not to predict the future, not to empty your credit card, do not go by the plastic surgeon, do not stalk, but not beat especially do not let your best friend! Phase 2 includes a number of strategies to mourn. All very good tips to re-connect to themselves, by eating healthy, sleeping, not texting, email, do not write on skype or facebook, do not go out unless you feel like it, throw yourself at work and do not think he starts looking at the people around you, laugh, think to yourself!
Phase 3, finally, includes tips to start life anew. From changing habits, getting a new wardrobe, to refer the look, listen to music, a long journey, reading, cooking, learning to do chores, home of the brave man to become independent, get a cat, buy colorful clothing, call one of with your ex you still a loving relationship, take a theater course, make a feast, and then write a book. What better idea than keeping your love story in a few lines, not to remember it, but because you might be useful? The stories rips tears are winning! Ironic
detailed, and always very friendly, will win you over with its simple and truthful. Why do we say, the boards are very realistic and can truly help.
For the rest? Smile, but it is a book that offers neither you purchase! Better, much better than the novels of Federico.

"better than a pot of yogurt that a kilo of ice cream, dark chocolate better than milk, more milk and cereal snacks, better soy milk for cow's milk, pumpkin seeds best of crisps , dried fruit of the best fried chicken, the better mustard, mayonnaise, jam, Nutella better, better than chocolate biscuits and the best beer of wine. Why the crisis will pass and you'll never need to replace love with food, because you'll be full of love. Love yourself for "

My review has intrigued you? Buy the book!

 Centouno modi per dimenticare il tuo ex e trovarne subito un altro

Centouno ways to forget your ex and find just another
Bosco Federica
Newton Compton, 2010
€ 4.90


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