Friday, May 28, 2010

Best Defeat Autism Now Doctor

Oggero Margherita - The job of a street cat

first book I read by Margaret Oggero , which I found pleasant but perhaps a bit late 'disappointing.
The story is brilliant. Starring a cat named Rusty and his wacky friend, Odradek , a mysterious animal (s literary creation), born from the imagination of Kafka (a spool of thread, a small, fast and with a voice like the rustling of fallen leaves) and that the Oggero revives his way.
rust is a rust-colored cat, a young mother who was sent to England, where he will attend a special meeting just for cats descended from Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland . That is, cats that smile and that may be, whenever they want, invisible.
Rust, however, is lost, the father she never knew and the mother can not help much, since one day is hit and loses his memory. He walks like this and by chance meets Odradek. The two together are funny: Rust is a curious kitten, strong, lively, merry, naive, ignorantello; Odradek is far, sophisticated, deboluccio, courteous and set up, cultured alone. The two meet and become friends. They need each other. Rusty needs a guide, culture, security, Odradek for companionship, affection, sharing and the spontaneity and lightness that the creatures have little younger and still weighed down by life. The one about how youth (tele, risto, cine), the more so if we are archaic. After entering in confidence, the two way towards England, and meanwhile are known, are mixed, they grow together. Rust melt the heart of Odradek, will make it lighter, less opaque and sad, more amiable, and teach the cat Odradek life, relations with the world, will explain what is literature and teaches him to read. The two in fact lose out, and while traveling (car, truck, train ...) always end up finding what they love most: books. The books that take you away from the world but do you also feel more real and close to the heart, if you know you love them and understand them. Enough to make you forget everything, even the task, and you arrive late for what was to be the most important meeting of your life.
A small tale delighted (and perhaps obvious) order, with morals that everyone needs to be a consistent side, but also help to increase diversity, to live, to feel happy.

Cute, but maybe a bit silly towards the end '. Too bad, because up to half the book is literally conquering!

"is to read the books then you become indecisive?" ( Rust)
"What binds me to this city? Nothing now. Traveling Perhaps I can give a meaning to my existence, to self-founded, out of the cupio dispel that grips me" (Odradek)

Il compito di un gatto di strada

The job of a street cat
Oggero Margaret
Einaudi, 2009
€ 12.00

Friday, May 21, 2010

Why Am I Always D.c From Maplestory

Paola Mastrocola - The nostril of the rabbit

short. I found this little book (I would say story) exciting, even if writing of Mastrocola is always nice. The story is about Barbara, a girl who feels different, then that becomes a woman, is done at work, get rich, it is very beautiful, contented, seductive. In short, a woman who lacks nothing, and yet something is missing. One day Barbara begin to get in the nostril of the rabbit, that is, the movement of the nose that make all the rabbits. As a child he had a rabbit in fact, the Their relationship was difficult, but there was, and she was able to get so much in harmony with this unfriendly rabbit, who had kidnapped the move of the nostril. Since then, in moments of difficulty or inadequacy, made the gesture and everything was resolved. But the same gesture, is outside the control of Barbara. The agitation, anxiety, but also the love, the urge to do so forever.
such a gesture can remove all the people he meets? It can be really frustrating, rude, such as to take away your dreams? For today's society, obviously, if it happens with family, friends, boyfriends. The sense of inadequacy and specialty is in the books of Mastrocola, and it is clear in this. A person looking, she finds herself no longer be a nonsense for the simple fact of being watched (again) only in its appearance.
But Barbara knows, and until they find one who will understand, if they go his way, even if alone.
Again the same themes of all time, the uniqueness, diversity, security in that burst of character that makes the characters of Mastrocola extremely realistic and alive.
Nevertheless, the book seems a long story broken in half, only sketched a drawing, a sadness almost useless.

La narice del coniglio

The nostril of the rabbit
Mastrocola Paola
Guanda, 2009
€ 10.00

Can You Get Skin Cancer In Your Armpit?

Jostein Gaarder - The castle of frogs

Another nice book Children of Gaarder. Definitely not the best, but can be read from 10 years upwards (even less for me). The themes are always the same: the mysteries of life and death, truth, beauty, diversity within and without, the good and evil.
The story is about a child who is lost in the garden, he meets a gnome that takes him to her fairy world, where run into frogs, tadpoles, salamanders, and there are even a castle, a king, a queen and a princess. A fairy world, but not so much. Gaarder always brings us back to reality, because the dream of the child is completely full of people who took part and are part of his life. For example, the Princess Aurora looks a lot like Camilla, his cousin, and the king, so good, reminds him of his grandfather. See if the story is just one of this king who steal your heart, just as they did to his grandfather, who died because I did not have a heart anymore. But the king is alive!
The child protagonist plunges into a story that is his imagination, accompanied by a gnome who helps him to understand that fantasy is not always the dream and that sometimes, if you do not often come true.
A simple and effective book is ideal to introduce children to the philosophy and the great questions of life, but also to their favored subjects. Not the best book but the author certainly valid.

Il castello delle rane

Castle frogs
Jostein Gaarder
Salani, 2004
€ 9.50

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Americantrip Online Pl

Marcelle Sauvageot - Leave me alone

A song. A desperate woman calls her heart to love and his pain. A wonderful book, written in the 30's by a woman suffering from tuberculosis, leaving his man to go to heal. But his man one day write a letter, where he announces his marriage to another woman and asks her friendship. The friendship that there can be when love is still true, pure, pure, irrepressible. And the pain bursts, sweeps, so intelligent, gifted, like a river that can not be tamed. The author's words do you live, sharp. And in every line you can know the love story of all of us.
Written cleverly, intelligently, prevaricating, sometimes shocking. Does reflect, grieve, but leaves intact the feeling of dignity typical of women who want to be preempted by men who, in the end, only showed their profound weakness.
A little jewel, thinking to read the author (who actually died of tuberculosis) and his love, which is really well done.

"I do not love me anymore. How ridiculous carefully avoids telling me. It is not a promise. And yet I would do so well now that I'm alone and I'm going away, trusting me with your love rock . I need, I would find it when I get healed. The certainty that someone continues to love and wait is a momentary distraction and irrelevant to those who remain, but a great joy to the sick man for him is as if the life she left was aware of his absence, the patient can not figure out a different future, weak and in pain for sharp break with the past, that after the application is to perpetuate the first, improving "
" close our eyes because the illusion returns. It 's like a dream: do not move "
" can not be me to say I love you. And if the person they tell me I'm wrong, but I believe? "
" when you do not know pain, you have more strength to face him, because it ignores its scope: you only see the fight and hopefully arrive at a better time later. But when you know it, you want to raise their hands to ask for grace and exclaim, exhausted and incredulous: again? "
" any excuse to cry is a trifle, a silly phrase read in the newspaper, which in other conditions cause only a shrug of the shoulders, throws into an abyss of emotion "
" I would not be able to give you happiness. It 's an old song once, which resembles a dried flower. It's so early in the past to become an old thing? Happiness? It 's a word of commiseration "
" sure I want to lose your head, but I want to seize the moment when I lose it, and push further the knowledge of consciousness that abandons. Must be present for their own happiness "
takes just a glance, a word, a silence to worry ... but I say: you are free, because I will not force you to stay and I would, however, that remains"
"I get angry if I felt particularly good and you were not there "
" maybe I smile and give the impression that the anger in me to evoke the irony. But the truth is that I'm bored to death with all these women who speak of their husbands'
"the man for whom a woman is made not is perhaps the one that agrees to be? "
" true friendship is when I say what I think anytime a person able to share my happiness or my problems "
" But let me: no can be close to me. Let me suffer, let me heal, leave me alone. Do not think that offer friendship to replace the love can console me, maybe I'll be pleased when you do not suffer anymore. But now I'm sick, and when I'm bad, I walk away without looking back. Do not ask me to turn around and look, do not follow with my gaze from afar. Let "
" I now wish to be happy, and I'm sure you'd even able to find me a husband or a lover to console "
" dance is the rhythm of life more happy, dance when you thought you would not ever done is a victory a great achievement "

 Lasciami sola

Leave me alone

Guanda Marcelle Sauvageot, 2005
€ 9.00

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bra Size Cup Comparison

Philippe Besson - And other nights you will be ?

This book (and author) I was literally conquered . Attracted by its cover depicting a picture of Hopper, on which the author has embroidered a story, I just saw on the shelf and took a quick look. Louise Besson imagine, the woman with the red dress, and men who are part of his life, creating a dense web of feelings, fears, weaknesses, affections, tenderness, injustice and suffering. The feelings that prevail in so love stories, but also in friendship and deep respect. Described as sighs interspersed (thoughts united to each other), let in emotion, desire, passion and sometimes based devastation. Louise is in love with a woman, who suffered a lot and suffer very much. Some thoughts seem poignant, piercing, if you have experienced something similar to the story, if you loved in his life a man or a woman you do not want, or you leave, or do not choose you, ever. Tearful and painful for me at some points, it leaves a bit 'of bitterness, but the descriptions of expectation, hope, love and ingenuity that are crossed by a wire (too weak) reason, they are painted with purity. On the other hand, a deep friendship, that of Ben, the bartender. Perhaps a man in love, but first of all a friend of Louise. Who knows, the searches, celebrates in its joys. And Stephen, the former Louise, a night walk through the door of the bar, after long years of silence and absence, rather than Norman, who will cross the door that maybe more. A return? A flame that again? Or maybe just a hope for happy unexpected end? A good book anyway, despite the pain and separation, a deep and cleverly written so elegant. A painting whose beauty speaks for itself, which is renewed in the subjective perception of the author, leaving the color still live though moving through his eyes and heart and who can steal. Remarkable.

"what matters is to save the essential"
"Sometimes we talk too fast"
"miracles are not the exclusive competence of the Bible"
"It is never easy to find after years"
"there refrains from doing evil "
" Remember that we are wasting the pleasure of joy "
" take the blame for failure is the surest way to not have it criticized "
" we are moving towards Who cries like no other "
" when you are silent once, is silent forever, even if you swear, hand on heart, that the next time it is called "
" marriages of convenience do not should never lose sight of what must be, precisely, to the convenience "
" perpetuate useless sorrow "
" the desperation sometimes makes its convenient "
" children are the most accurate measure of time passing and cruel "

 E le altre sere verrai?

And other nights will you come?

Guanda Philippe Besson, 2004
€ 12.00