Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bra Size Cup Comparison

Philippe Besson - And other nights you will be ?

This book (and author) I was literally conquered . Attracted by its cover depicting a picture of Hopper, on which the author has embroidered a story, I just saw on the shelf and took a quick look. Louise Besson imagine, the woman with the red dress, and men who are part of his life, creating a dense web of feelings, fears, weaknesses, affections, tenderness, injustice and suffering. The feelings that prevail in so love stories, but also in friendship and deep respect. Described as sighs interspersed (thoughts united to each other), let in emotion, desire, passion and sometimes based devastation. Louise is in love with a woman, who suffered a lot and suffer very much. Some thoughts seem poignant, piercing, if you have experienced something similar to the story, if you loved in his life a man or a woman you do not want, or you leave, or do not choose you, ever. Tearful and painful for me at some points, it leaves a bit 'of bitterness, but the descriptions of expectation, hope, love and ingenuity that are crossed by a wire (too weak) reason, they are painted with purity. On the other hand, a deep friendship, that of Ben, the bartender. Perhaps a man in love, but first of all a friend of Louise. Who knows, the searches, celebrates in its joys. And Stephen, the former Louise, a night walk through the door of the bar, after long years of silence and absence, rather than Norman, who will cross the door that maybe more. A return? A flame that again? Or maybe just a hope for happy unexpected end? A good book anyway, despite the pain and separation, a deep and cleverly written so elegant. A painting whose beauty speaks for itself, which is renewed in the subjective perception of the author, leaving the color still live though moving through his eyes and heart and who can steal. Remarkable.

"what matters is to save the essential"
"Sometimes we talk too fast"
"miracles are not the exclusive competence of the Bible"
"It is never easy to find after years"
"there refrains from doing evil "
" Remember that we are wasting the pleasure of joy "
" take the blame for failure is the surest way to not have it criticized "
" we are moving towards Who cries like no other "
" when you are silent once, is silent forever, even if you swear, hand on heart, that the next time it is called "
" marriages of convenience do not should never lose sight of what must be, precisely, to the convenience "
" perpetuate useless sorrow "
" the desperation sometimes makes its convenient "
" children are the most accurate measure of time passing and cruel "

 E le altre sere verrai?

And other nights will you come?

Guanda Philippe Besson, 2004
€ 12.00


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