Friday, May 28, 2010

Best Defeat Autism Now Doctor

Oggero Margherita - The job of a street cat

first book I read by Margaret Oggero , which I found pleasant but perhaps a bit late 'disappointing.
The story is brilliant. Starring a cat named Rusty and his wacky friend, Odradek , a mysterious animal (s literary creation), born from the imagination of Kafka (a spool of thread, a small, fast and with a voice like the rustling of fallen leaves) and that the Oggero revives his way.
rust is a rust-colored cat, a young mother who was sent to England, where he will attend a special meeting just for cats descended from Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland . That is, cats that smile and that may be, whenever they want, invisible.
Rust, however, is lost, the father she never knew and the mother can not help much, since one day is hit and loses his memory. He walks like this and by chance meets Odradek. The two together are funny: Rust is a curious kitten, strong, lively, merry, naive, ignorantello; Odradek is far, sophisticated, deboluccio, courteous and set up, cultured alone. The two meet and become friends. They need each other. Rusty needs a guide, culture, security, Odradek for companionship, affection, sharing and the spontaneity and lightness that the creatures have little younger and still weighed down by life. The one about how youth (tele, risto, cine), the more so if we are archaic. After entering in confidence, the two way towards England, and meanwhile are known, are mixed, they grow together. Rust melt the heart of Odradek, will make it lighter, less opaque and sad, more amiable, and teach the cat Odradek life, relations with the world, will explain what is literature and teaches him to read. The two in fact lose out, and while traveling (car, truck, train ...) always end up finding what they love most: books. The books that take you away from the world but do you also feel more real and close to the heart, if you know you love them and understand them. Enough to make you forget everything, even the task, and you arrive late for what was to be the most important meeting of your life.
A small tale delighted (and perhaps obvious) order, with morals that everyone needs to be a consistent side, but also help to increase diversity, to live, to feel happy.

Cute, but maybe a bit silly towards the end '. Too bad, because up to half the book is literally conquering!

"is to read the books then you become indecisive?" ( Rust)
"What binds me to this city? Nothing now. Traveling Perhaps I can give a meaning to my existence, to self-founded, out of the cupio dispel that grips me" (Odradek)

Il compito di un gatto di strada

The job of a street cat
Oggero Margaret
Einaudi, 2009
€ 12.00


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