Friday, May 21, 2010

Why Am I Always D.c From Maplestory

Paola Mastrocola - The nostril of the rabbit

short. I found this little book (I would say story) exciting, even if writing of Mastrocola is always nice. The story is about Barbara, a girl who feels different, then that becomes a woman, is done at work, get rich, it is very beautiful, contented, seductive. In short, a woman who lacks nothing, and yet something is missing. One day Barbara begin to get in the nostril of the rabbit, that is, the movement of the nose that make all the rabbits. As a child he had a rabbit in fact, the Their relationship was difficult, but there was, and she was able to get so much in harmony with this unfriendly rabbit, who had kidnapped the move of the nostril. Since then, in moments of difficulty or inadequacy, made the gesture and everything was resolved. But the same gesture, is outside the control of Barbara. The agitation, anxiety, but also the love, the urge to do so forever.
such a gesture can remove all the people he meets? It can be really frustrating, rude, such as to take away your dreams? For today's society, obviously, if it happens with family, friends, boyfriends. The sense of inadequacy and specialty is in the books of Mastrocola, and it is clear in this. A person looking, she finds herself no longer be a nonsense for the simple fact of being watched (again) only in its appearance.
But Barbara knows, and until they find one who will understand, if they go his way, even if alone.
Again the same themes of all time, the uniqueness, diversity, security in that burst of character that makes the characters of Mastrocola extremely realistic and alive.
Nevertheless, the book seems a long story broken in half, only sketched a drawing, a sadness almost useless.

La narice del coniglio

The nostril of the rabbit
Mastrocola Paola
Guanda, 2009
€ 10.00


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