Saturday, March 5, 2011

My Body Aches What To Do When My Body Aches

'CARNIVAL (Part Two)

(Turtlèin hustle and Carnevèl)

In the first post on sweets Reggio carnival I put the recipe with different variations of INTRIGONI ( INTRIGÒUN) , but very Tortellini are also good fried, similar to those that are eaten at Christmas, just a little 'smaller, as in ancient tradition, they have a stuffed Tortellini simpler and less sophisticated than Christmas, with the addition of grated stale bread, jam or savurètt (Taste and Saporetto, made with fruit, juice and sugar) or cream yellow. Tortellini can be coated with sugar after a quick dip in the Saba or can be covered with granulated sugar after they are dipped into stones or other liquor for dolci.La tradition was that they were eaten only until midnight on Shrove Tuesday, the last day of Carnival.

Recipe n.1
( Turtlèin hurry)


for pasta :
500 gr. white flour
200 gr. sugar
50 gr. butter
3 eggs
grated rind of one lemon
1 cup of pebbles
1 teaspoon baking powder
a bit 'of milk

For the filling:
plum jam or apricot or Savurètt qb

to fry and ornarli:
saba or liqueur to taste sweet
caster sugar or granulated or icing

Mix the jam with a little bread crumbs to dry any excess watery jam itself. The filling thus obtained is left to cool, preferably in a cellar for a few days during which it must control the softness and possibly make it softer with adding more bread crumbs. For the dough to form a mound of flour on the axis to the dough (the tuliróla ) in the center and put all the ingredients. Mix, mix well with the blade of a knife from the table and add the milk gradually until the 'dough will be soft enough. Let the dough rest for a couple of hours in a pan covered with a cloth, then prepare a dough with a rolling pin (la canela) thickness of approximately 3 mm. On the edge of the sheet piles have a tablespoon of filling (half a tablespoon for each tortellini) to same distance from each 'other. Fold the dough over the mounds and the 'aid of a glass upside down or the same old wheel (the rudlèina) , cut out a half-moon dumplings. Melt lard in a large pan and to prevent splashing, place in hot skillet 2-3 wooden toothpick. Fry tortellini, stirring occasionally and when they put them on paper towels amber, still warm plunge quickly into saba and cover with sugar if you want to stay true to country tradition, or just cover them with icing sugar to decorate them how to use it today . Be consumed after two or three days of preparation.

Recipe No.2
(Turtlèin quickly cun cream Zala)

for cream yellow:
2 egg yolks
2 tablespoons of flour and half white
2 tablespoons sugar
one and a half glasses of milk
the entire peel of a lemon

for the dough:
250 gr. white flour
2 eggs
2 tablespoons sugar
4 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup of pebbles or Anisetta
grated rind of half a lemon
half a bag of baking

for frying:
lard taste
vanilla icing sugar

First you prepare the cream to cool for that yellow can be used. In a bowl beat the egg yolks with sugar until frothy, then add slowly to make the flour, milk, lemon peel. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until when it will thicken up a bit ', then remove from heat and let cool. Meanwhile, prepare the dough by mixing together the ingredients in a bowl, eggs, sugar and oil, then flour and other ingredients. Obtaining a ball and let it rest for an hour under a towel, after which stretch the dough with a rolling pin and cut into disks which then will be folded into a crescent After introducing each of them a bit 'of yellow cream. Fry the tortellini in plenty of boiling lard, drain them, place them on absorbent paper and sprinkle with powdered sugar. These tortellini are different from the jam as they are not dipped in Saba and
are eaten immediately because the cream is deteriorating rapidly (VA Mel, go bad).

Again, a good appetite! :-)


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