Monday, March 7, 2011

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A poem for carnival .... GASTRONOMY

Each of us reacts to the disappointments of life in a different way ... the person who inspires me the poem was fished out from my blog "THE MOON IN THE SEA" , traveled to try to escape himself, surrounded himself with so many people do not face their own loneliness and concealed his true soul behind a mask to avoid the reality ... in February 2009 that person was really in Venice and me he told it, in February 2010, recalling his words, I thought to write in rhyme those emotions. After all, there is no best time of the Carnival to represent a man "in mask "....!!

Man in Mask

"Fog in a subtle 'wet Venice
nights of masks and false identities;
wanders the streets a young man,
is released by 'chance and will be back in the room.

is hidden from the world, with the mask on the face
none in him Note the 'absence of a smile.
are beautiful friends that keep him company,
fake but the entertainment, the false 'joy.

All 'shadow of himself, he is just in that room,
the mask on the floor, the dance is over;
front of the mirror only a man can be seen,
through his eyes, the 'empty soul;
mirror glass but also of life,
runs the memory of a failed romance;
rapid jumps in my chest his heart,
rhythmic drum note d 'love

the mirror is smooth,
the plasma his mind,
assume that glass shape pleasing ...
She is distant, unreachable,
muse bright, impossible dream;
she's perfect, sweet, delicious
of all is the most valuable.
But he himself is the only time
without masks, with his torment;
like a wolf on the moors
retiring during the day, hungry for an evening.

The mirror is sincere,
's vivid image,
harsh and bitter reality ...
Other masks in the 'soul, to wear,
other stories that can be invented,
other ways to escape his life
wounding who gives him infinite sweetness;

in the mirror s' breaks his face reflected
explosion of confetti is he now ...
tangle of emotions, dreams many
but can now only cry streamers.
"What 's life, if not an eternal carnival?"
Resumes mask, he returned to acting;
director of his life, his actions
actor a script full of fiction. "

Sabrina (Feb. 1, 2010)
" A man and His mask "from the" Venice "


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