Sunday, March 20, 2011

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March 21: World Poetry Day

March 21: First day of Spring, but not all. I find surfing the web, which was established in 1999 by 'UNESCO, the World Poetry Day . In presentation of 'event, Professor Giovanni Puglisi, President of the Italian National Commission for the' Unesco, writes that on this date "is poetic expression acknowledges a privileged role in the promotion of intercultural dialogue and understanding of linguistic and cultural diversity, communication and peace. "
UNESCO, in recent years has promoted, on the occasion of this Day, the possibility of comparison between different forms of creativity, challenging the difficulties that are often both the communication and culture. The forms of artistic expression can be varied, but all over the world, the art of poetry (whose origins lie in 'antiquities) is a basis of departure for all the literary and artistic events.
The Italian National Commission for UNESCO celebrates the 2011 edition of Poetry Day, in collaboration with the International Literary Prize Mondello supported by Fondazione Banco di Sicilia, with an inaugural event with the theme "Destinies of poetry: literary culture of memory and cultural diversity meeting in line with the directions of UNESCO ".

several important events in several Italian cities on the occasion of this anniversary, below, in full, exhibitions and cultural events in program ...

(Rome - Varese) Caravan verses
Type of initiative: verses Spring abrigliasciolta
Location: stage along the Roma - Varese
Date: 12.03.11-09.04. 11
By: abrigliasciolta
In collaboration with: partenr host
Contact: ombretta Diaferia / +39.0332.320167 / / This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / -
Description: Pour Spring is a series of meetings and pitches with the same choral poetry published. In the seventh edition abrigliasciolta meetings devoted to the dissemination of books of poetry published by the publishing house (by hand-held band in action, Flowers card Sandro Sardella, caravan verses and Ellis Island by Robert Viscusi in addition to the publications of the authors that in These seven years have given rise to "caravan of the verses." Verses of the spring part 12 March 2010 in Rome, where several authors and several publishing houses will meet to caravan crossing the presentation of the collection of the verses of the "twenty-one movement of the poem" the seventh annual World Day of Poetry. The conclusion is fixed on April 9 with Robert Viscusi (New York) will present the second volume of his Ellis Island, and operates in six hundred twenty-four sonnets on Italian migration to the island of hope and tears.
(Lido di Camaiore) Camaiore Award Tribute to Pope John Paul II
Type of initiative: Camaiore Award Tribute to the Holy Father John Paul II in the World Poetry Day March 21, 2011
Location: Lido di Camiore
Date: 02/15/2011
By: Rosanna Secretary Wolves
In collaboration with: the presidency of the literary prize Camaiore
Contact: Rosanna Wolves / 3339306270 / / rlupi.premiocamaiore @ This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /
Overview: On the occasion of the celebrations for World Poetry Day, March 21, 2011 the literary prize Camaiore (30'anni by His Birth: 1981-2011 founded by the poet Francesco Belluomini) invite the poets present all over the world to pay homage to May 1, 2011, (day of the beatification of John Paul II in Rome) with a lamp on the outside on the balconies of their housing, Karol Wojtyla, the Polish poet, winner of the International Camaiore 1987, the same time welcomed with great joy and was retrieved by a delegation sent by the archbishop of Lucca Bishop Giuliano Agresti. The gift of the Holy Father and premium Camaiore his poetry is most definitely a must and will be deeply felt. The secretary of the premium Rosanna Wolves
(Napoli) popular events for the dissemination of poetry
Type of initiative: popular events for the dissemination of poetry as a vehicle of peace and brotherhood among peoples with ethnic poetic speeches
Location: Castle Male Angioino - Hall Lodges - Naples
Date: March 21, 2011
By: Gaetano Coppola Vice President of the Association is only responsible for Culture and Major Events Sector "The anchor of Naples"
In collaboration with: Association Panthers Verdi-sponsored by the City of Naples Naples and the Municipality of Assisi
Contact: Prof. Gaetano Coppola / Cell: 347/6682439 / / /
Overview: poetic work of classical authors, contemporary authors newcomers; especially those of students in the Literary and Existential Poetry Practice (directed by Prof. Gaetano Coppola). Music, dance and performance of musical instruments. Participation in artistic and poetic of the representatives of Senegal and Burkina Faso as a demonstration of brotherhood and peaceful coexistence. Poetic moment to remember the launch Foibe and interpretations of short theatrical sketch the value that poetry which vehicle of peace and brotherhood. The fundamental theme of the event: "Poetry and 'love'
(Pistoia) Book Presentation:" Opportunities for poetry, 1976-2010 "
Type of initiative: Presentation of the book "Opportunities for poetry, 1976-2010" by Frank Belluomini Ed Traces
Location: Pistoia. Library Forteguerriana. Piazza della Sapienza, 5
Date: March 21, 2011
By: Brigade LEONCINI
Cultural Association in collaboration with:
Contact: Domenico Hashmonah / 3477748721 / 0573365316 / This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /
Overview: Presentation of the book "Occasions of Poetry, 1976-2010" by Frank Belluomini. Introduced by Domenico Hashmonah (President of the Lion Brigade). Speeches Paola Minghetti Lucarini and Ilaria. On the day of poetry, through the new work by Frank Belluomini that covers 35 years of his poetic production, we want to affirm the importance and primacy of what is art poetry, even as the key to the contemporary.
(Arcore) Movie-exclusive interview with poet Alda Merini
Type of initiative: Movie-exclusive interview with poet Alda Merini
Location: stables of Villa Borromeo D ' Adda, Arcore
Date: March 21, 2011 at 20:30
By: Zeroconfini Onlus and Cultural Mind ...
In collaboration with: film production Ciak2000
Contact: Antonetta Carrabs / 339 3531387 / 039 2782268 / This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /
Overview: Event to celebrate World Poetry Day by the screening of a movie-made exclusive interview, a few months before the death of the poet in Milan, Donatella Baglivo RAI by the director. The initiative is promoted by Zeroconfini Onlus and Cultural ... Mind, two associations of Monza and Brianza, who work collaboratively in the name of promoting Culture, sharing of social and ethical purposes.
(Torino) Reading - reading poems
Type of initiative: Reading - reading poems
Location: Circle of Readers - Palace of the Rock Graneri
Date: March 21
2011 Powered by: Time Group of poetry words
In collaboration with: Circle of Readers - Reading Circle Volunteers readers
Contact: Marvi del Pozzo / 011 748611 / / This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /
Overview: Youth Volunteer Group of the Reading Circle Players take turns with members of the public to read poetry of every age and every culture, divided into three sections: • Poetry over • Questions the mirror ... • Answers? Each section is punctuated by the reading of short passages in prose, literary and philosophical, aimed at the reflection on the essence of poetry, the character of its use, the value of the search for beauty in our daily lives. The meeting will conclude the reading of the Canticle of the Sun of Francis of Assisi for his value historical and cultural, as the first poem in Italian made (umbro vulgaris) in our literature.
(Venice) Reading poetry
Type of initiative: World Poetry Day 2011
Location: Palazzo Mocenigo HOLY CROSS 1992
Date: March 21, 2011
In collaboration with: POETRY COMMUNITY GROUP 'Mestre - VE CLUB UNESCO
Contact: PROF. GINO Pastega / 041721668 / 3402623799 / gino.pastega @ This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /
Overview: readings of poems by writers and authors of the cities of Triveneto; relations academics on the current function of poetry, and action by representatives of cultural associations Triveni.
(Roma) Concert-performance poetry and music
Type of initiative: CONCERT-SHOW MUSIC & POETRY
Location: Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome, Sala Sinopoli
Date: March 21, 2011 H21
Contact: IRMA IMMACULATE BUILDING / 06.9043108 / 339.7407415 / irma. This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /
Abstract: It is the verses withering of our greatest poets, from Dante, D'Annunzio and the energy sublime poetry of Petrarch, Alfieri, Foscolo, Leopardi, Manzoni, Carducci , Capuana Rossetti ... brilliant foresight to reflect the current situation. The founding fathers of our language shouting their warnings on a trip to the homeland and the values \u200b\u200bthat resonate more than ever significant the contribution of culture in the development of a nation. A great interpreter as Cosimo Cinieri feel their voice in the show-my gig Italy March 21, 2011 (the most important event in the UNESCO's World Poetry Day) at the Sala Sinopoli of 'Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome, giving a significant contribution to the celebrations of the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy. The show, created by Irma Immaculate Palace which also takes care of the director, uses the support of the Italian Army Band, conducted by Maestro Fulvio Creux. The symphonic music, opera and popular (with the soprano Carmela Maffongelli) accompany the stages of the route, while the images of the painters of the Renaissance are proof of the remarkable human and political. The play My Italy, which has received the patronage of the most important institutions and a prize of representing the Presidency of the Chamber of Deputies, will give more space to poetry renaissance that represents the culmination of a desire to pass over in silence through the centuries: see Italy free from the foreign yoke and united, 'telling' the ideas and hopes of those men and women protagonists of the great yearning for a common homeland, to find an identity, a language of love, care, nurture and foster: evidence of a descent from the founding cultures of the West humanity.
(Itinerant) Caravan of the verse - poetry in action, traveling choral performance
Type of initiative: caravan of ways - performance poetry in action itinerant and choral
Location: rome- recanati-Comerio-varese-Carnage-milano
12-24 March 2011 Produced by: abrigliasciolta
In collaboration with: Beba Do Samba-Centostazioni-Common-Recanati-Voltorre Cloister Café Comerio-Varese Province Varese-ISIS-Liceo Manzoni Varese Varese City Library - District Prison Miogni-Carnforth-City Foundation Mudima
Contact: ombretta Diaferia / 0332.320167 / This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / /
Overview: caravan of ways - Poetry in action is a touring performance of choral and vocal of their unpublished authors that 12 to 24 March 2011 invade places open to the hospitality of Rome daily Recanati Varese Milan March 21, 2011, World Poetry Day is published by abrigliascioolta collection "caravan of verse - poetry in action and witness performmance traveling choir. March 20, 2011, the authors will meet at the Cloister of Voltorre (Varese) for "caravan of the verses of Spring" or "poetry NoStop as open space daily to hospitality." from 10 am - spring poetry, interviews with published poetry, poetry organizations, and who makes - itinerant performance and choral "caravan of verse - poetry in action" - preview of the collection "caravan of verse - poetry in action" abrigliasciolta
(Nuoro) competitions in poetry religious holidays in Sardinia
Type of initiative: The poetry contests for religious holidays in Sardinia
Location: Public Library of Galtellì (Nuoro - Sardegna)
Date: March 22, 2011 18.00
Powered by: The Literary Parks ® Grazia Deledda
In collaboration with: City of Galtellì Association of poetic "On Sotziu pro sa race," the Italian Cultural Landscape - The Literary Parks ®
Contact: City of Galtellì / 0784090095 / / This e e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /
Overview: Debate on the importance of race in the poetical religious holidays in Sardinia with 'action by the following persons: Renzo Soro, Mayor of Galtellì; Bruno Agus President of On Sotziu pro sa race; Prof. Paul Pillonca, speaker and expert, Prof. Bacchisio Bandinu, speaker and expert, Archbishop Pietro Meloni Bishop of the Diocese of Nuoro, coordinator of the debate will be the journalist Luca Urgu. In Gara Poetica poets sing their verses accompanied by a chorus of content creating a happy union between poetry and music, which is a complex form of expression of great impact and effectiveness of communication. The competitions in poetry, characteristics of convivial meetings with friends and find a family, which had and still have the privileged theater festivals. Today, the poets (usually in the number of two or three), sitting on a dais at the center of the square where the party takes place, side by side, stood up
(Pomezia) "Virgil. Interpretation of young artists. " Event with high school
Type of initiative: "Virgil. Interpretation of young artists. " Event with high school
Location: Pomezia, a town of Pratica di Mare (RM - Lazio)
Date: March 22, 2011
By: The Literary Parks ® Publio Virgilio Marone
In collaboration with: Lavinium Archaeological Museum, City of Pomezia, Parks Literary Consortium ® Publio Virgilio Marone, library Odradek of Pomezia, Italian Cultural Landscape - The Literary Parks ®
Contact: Monia Franceschini / 06/64005038 / +393476611366 / This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / /
Overview: Fourth edition of World Poetry Day pometino territory, organized by "The Literary Parks ® Publio Virgilio Marone", which this year plays the guidelines of UNESCO virtual meeting between the Bard's poetry, Virgil, guardian of literary memory, and the various artistic and poetic sensibility of high school students from different addresses (high schools, technical, professional). The youth production presented will be rewarded, in the presence of institutional authorities and schools, with a plaque and a text of Virgil's works. Guided tours are one hour group class of about 20 students, organized by the Museum Lavinium, from 10 to 17 hours or so. The buffet (with typical and historical line dedicated Aeneid) is sponsored by The Literary Parks ® Publio Virgilio Marone and Daniel Pasticceria Caprice Torvaianica. The works of Virgil's offers come from the library Odradek of Pomezia.
(Livorno) museum with poetry reading. "In the company of Carducci"
Type of initiative: museum with poetry reading. "In the company of Carducci"
Location: Museum Archives Giosue Carducci, Via G. Carducci, a Castagneto Carducci - Livorno - Tuscany
Date: 17 March to 20 March 2011
By: The Literary Parks ® Giosue Carducci
In collaboration with: Associazione Culturale Messidoro, Italian Cultural Landscape - The Literary Parks ®
Contact: Valentina Pantani and Roberta Pierini / 0565/765032 / / @ castagneto.archivio This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /
Overview: because of the combination of the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy and of World Poetry Day, the Park Literary Giosue Carducci ® links the two initiatives with a four-day history, culture and poetry. Opening of the exhibition "Carducci Unity of Italy" and "The arts renaissance." On the occasion of World Poetry Day will be read the poems of the poet renaissance poet walking the halls of the museum where visitors will discover the important contributions made by Carducci to the Risorgimento.
(Varzi) recital of poetry dedicated to Emily Dickinson
Type of initiative: recital of poetry dedicated to Emily Dickinson
Location: Castle Oramala, city Oramala
Date: March 20, 2011, at 16.00
By: The Literary Parks ® and Dante Troubadours in the land of Malaspina
In collaboration with: Associazione culturale Spino Fiorito, Italian Cultural Landscape - The Literary Parks ®
Contact: Sonia Pasquale, Elisa Pianetta / 333 3418574 / 3392098288 / This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /
Overview: The Italian translator of Emily Dickinson, Silvio Raffo , editor of the Meridian Mondadori dedicated to the American poet, presented his recital titled "I'm nobody. Who are you? with a staged reading of pieces by the author's poems and letters: a journey into the imagination and creative personality of one of the greatest writers of the '900.
(Sordevolo) Performance in speakerphone and Enzo Minarelli
Type of initiative: Performance in speakerphone and Enzo Minarelli
Location: Cernigliaro Villa, 4 Via Clemente Vercellone
Date: March 19, 2011 18.00
Powered by: Franco ® Parks Literary Antonicelli
In collaboration with: Zero Gravity Villa Cernigliaro Association for arts and culture, Italian Cultural Landscape - The Literary Parks ®
Contact: Charlotte Cernigliaro / 338.6130616 Mobile / Fixed 0152562174 / This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / / parks / ex-Antonicelli / index.php
Overview: Performance aloud Carneades O Primo Carnera? The meat of the poet / by Enzo Minarelli Poems © 2011 live 1. Obscuritas Obscenitas, Bazzano Mill / Torino 1979 - rhetoric or O 2. Commediarcom, Naples 1983 - The first of 3. Mechanized, Udine 1991 - The self-to paraphrase a variant of the servant and micro and macro purposes, we analepsis extreme defense of saying without saying, the only and true love poem 4. Surnames poems, Rome 1988 - The number 11 5. Lapoemago more for a reading polipoetica, Bologna 1986 - Luino, Locarno Stresa
(Ragusa) Poetry reading at the inauguration of the exhibition "Artists around Quasimodo"
Type of initiative: Poetry reading at the inauguration of the exhibition "Artists around Quasimodo"
Location: Palazzo Garofalo, Course Italy (Ragusa - Sicily)
Date: March 21, 2011
Done by: The Literary Parks ® Salvatore Quasimodo
In collaboration with: ETNOS SOC. COOP. Italian Cultural Landscape - The Literary Parks ®
Contact: Viviana Pitino / 0932.752897 / / This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / ,
Overview: On the occasion of World Poetry Day and the inauguration of the exhibition entitled " Artists around Quasimodo - The 42 works from the collection Quasimodo in the show, which will be held March 21 at 18.00 in Ragusa, Italy at Palazzo Garofalo in Progress, in the exhibition rooms you can hear some of the poems of Modica, proposed by de ® Parks Literary Salvatore Quasimodo. Fatima read Palazzolo and Ernesto Ruta.
(Tursi) Opening of the House Museum and Library of the poet Albino Pierro
Type of initiative: Opening of House Museum and Library of the poet Albino Pierro
Location: Home Pierro , Rione San Michele, Tursi (Mt)
Date: March 21, 2011
By: The Literary Parks ® AlbinoPierro
In collaboration with: Centro Studi Albino Pierro Onlus, Italian Cultural Landscape - The Literary Parks ®
Contact: Francesco Ottoman / 333.6401629 / 0835.500000 / centrostudi.apierro @ This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /
Overview: On the occasion of World Poetry Day, the House Museum - Library "Albino Pierro" will be open from 9.00 am to 19.00, with guided tours, a video from the archives Pierro and recitals of poems to music by singer-songwriter Antonio Labate.
Type of initiative: Opening Art Gallery and Museum historian Carlo Levi, Aliano
Location: Palazzo De Franks Aliano (Matera - Basilicata)
Date: March 27, 2011
By: Parks Literary Carlo Levi ®
In collaboration with: City of Aliano, Fondazione Carlo Levi, Italian Cultural Landscape - The Literary Parks ®
Contact: Sunday Rinaldi / tel. / fax 0835 568529 / / This e-mail address is being protected from spam bot. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /
Description: Sunday, March 27 11.00. Congress and the inauguration of the gallery Carlo Levi. Speakers: Antonio Colaiacovo, Mayor of Aliano, Michael Saporito, Superintendency of Artistic and Historical Heritage of Basilicata, Guido Sacerdoti, President Carlo Levi Foundation Rome; Conclusions Vito De Filippo, President of the Basilicata Region Council. Then visit the exhibition with the exhibition of twenty original paintings by Carlo Levi and the photographic documentation of the internment of Levi Aliano, narrated by the author in Christ Stopped at Eboli.
(gypsum) Poetry reading
Type of initiative: World Poetry Day 2011
Location: Municipal Library Gessate
Date: 21/03 /
2011 Powered by: Commission Library Gessate
In collaboration with: Department of Culture Gessate
Contact: Lorella Bernardi / 02959299554 / Gaetano Sirimarco / 3392113485 / 0295387039 / commissionebiblioteca.gessate @ This e-mail address is protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /
Overview: We invited many of our library patrons to come to the library bringing with them their poetry of the heart, that maybe their hand written , and invited to play during the evening. Why poetry is still the language that can unite us and show us in depth, which can help to express the humanity that we carry and we do not know how we would like to outsource more. We hope that such a meeting is truly interactive and that the plot of poetry readings that we have prepared (with reference also to the 150th anniversary of Italy) could unravel the many threads, many dialogues, like so many verses of one poem.
(Emilia Romagna) Performance, Readings, Involvement, Promotion Poetics
Type of initiative: Performance, Readings, Involvement, Promotion Poetics
Date: March 20 and March 23, 2011
By: Ass Cult. Via de 'POETS, Bologna
In collaboration with: Associations of Emilia Romagna, ArciBrecht Club, Clubs, Libraries and individuals to Bologna
Contact: Luciano Posts / 340 3479570 / / This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /
Overview: The Ass. Cult. Via de'Poeti, organizes events: "LA CITY 'OF POETS "," ARTS to lose "and" Words and Voices of Italy "readings, performances, music, theater, sharing and participation, to be held in Bologna, various locations, on March 20, 2011, from 10 am at 24, and at the same time the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of Italy, the Circle ArciBrecht, Via G. Bentini 20 on March 23, 2011, at 21. In many local bookstores and outdoor locations the performers and the audience will interpret their own poems and others, inviting passers-by to listen and participate. The artists will have a basket where people will not lay down money, but will collect the poems contained therein or enter your own. In rooms, libraries and other sites will be hung in windows or poems in places visible to the passage of people. Also on Sunday, followed by the performance at ARTS Loss and the day 23 words and sounds of Italy.
(Cornedo Vicentino) Recital of poems
Type of initiative: poetry recital
Location: villa Trissino of Cornedo Vicentino
Date: 03/27/2011
Powered by: local authors
In collaboration with: Department for Culture Cornedo
Contact: Federico Cabianca / 0445/951655 / 3206063376 / This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /
Overview: the afternoon of Sunday, March 27, in the sumptuous setting of the main hall of Villa Trissino, a building that brings us back to the great man of letters GG Trissino, like building built by the same representation in the valley dell'Agno , which then easily immaginabuile cultural meeting place, and now houses the municipal library of the City, will meet the authors of the Valley, the province of Vicenza and surrounding cities such as Padua, to read or recite, their poems in Italian, in Venetian dialect and some in foreign languages, instant translation, of course, able to convey emotions, feelings, messages that profoundly affect the mind of man as only poetry and art can to do.

(Santa Teresa Gallura) Reading of poetry and music
Type of initiative: Reading of poetry and music
Location: Santa Teresa Gallura, Biblioteca Comunale "Grazia Deledda", Conference Room, Via del Porto No. 47.
Date: March 21, 2011 at 18:30
By: Department of Culture
In collaboration with:
Contact: Public Library / 0789/741317 / 0789/740924 / This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /
Overview: Presentation of the book "Never Again the word heaven", by Elena Morando. Introduced by Andrea flush with, the reading aloud of the ways is by the author with the actors of the Friends of Lucia, the musical interludes pianist Nadia Scolafurru with songs of Debussy and Schumann.
(Padova) Performances poetic speeches (PIP Emergency Poetic), Trees of Poetry
Type of initiative: Performances poetic speeches (PIP Emergency Poetic), Trees Poetry
Location: Piazza Capitaniato and Personal Effects Library
Date: 03/04/2011
By: Gruppo90-ArtePoesia
In collaboration with: MOMART (Exhibition of Artists of Padua)
Contacts : Alessandro Cabianca / 3356076187 / alessandro.cabianca @ This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / /
Overview: 9-19 pm Exhibition of poetry, 16 hours lectures, performances and musical events with the device of Este, Author's Edition of VE and G. Poetry Community of Mestre, Inverso and xeArte of Padua. 18-hour exchange of information on places, magazines, publishers, groups, associations of Poetry in the Veneto.
(Trieste and Duino) Young and poetry: Festival and Competition Duino Castle International
Type of initiative: Young and poetry: International Festival and Competition Duino Castle
Location: Trieste-Duino-towns in the province in partnership and various Italian cities and countries around the world
Date: March 21-April 8
By: Poetry and Solidarity
In collaboration with: Public and Private Hotel, Trieste, cultural and voluntary associations (see chart)
Contact: Gabriella Valera Gruber / 040 638787 / 331 460 4536 / This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /
Overview: young people of different ages are called to be protagonists of the "word" with poetry, with different types of performance, with the poetic to comment 'immaagine photo. The Seventh Annual Awards Competition is the culmination of the Feast of Poetry: it takes place on March 27 in the Castle of Duino, with the participation of young poets from Italy, Germany, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Israel, Egypt, Cameroon, Congo , Nigeria, Argentina, Portugal may, Belgium, Poland, Russia ... Complete program reads the site, page events / upcoming events, many Italian and foreign associations have joined the idea of \u200b\u200ba "day off International Poetry and Solidarity." (See details in the site). Many hotels in Trieste (see chart) and individuals have contributed to the free hospitality to the implementation of the initiative and spread the message of Poetry.
(Verona) Festival Music and Poetry of Europe 2011
2011 Location: VERONA
Date: 14 to 21 March 2011
Contact: 045 8079777 / / / iiop @ This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /
Description: IN MEMORY OF CARLO BO PRESENTATION OF THE FESTIVAL OF MUSIC AND POETRY Program of the Festival of Music and Poetry of Europe 2011 (14-21 March): week marked by musical and of poetry, dedicated precisely Carlo Bo and its poets, with the help of Stefano Verdino. To organize the two events is the International Institute for Opera and Poetry, founded by UNESCO in Verona, in collaboration with the Masi Foundation, the University of Verona, Italy Pen Club, the Library City Council Verona, Accademia Olimpica in Vicenza, the Foundation's Vineyard, the Embassy of Spain and the Veneto Region. Presentation to the press: Daily Telegraph - January 24, 2011 Montanelli Hall Festival of Music and Poetry of Europe 2011 - (14-21 March) The Festival is divided into four sections: POETS AND POETRY OF CHARLES BO FILM MUSIC POETRY AND POETS VENETI CONTEMPORARY
(Sassari) HAPPY HOUR POETIC - Style Speaker's Corner
Type of initiative: HAPPY HOUR POETIC - Style Speaker's Corner
Location: Circle Food and Drink The Old Mill
Date: March 21, 2011
By: POP Association: Project OTTOBREinPOESIA
In collaboration with: Department of Culture-City of Sassari
Contact: Leonardo Omar Onida / 347/1346413 / 345/1637300 / This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /
Overview: Sunday, March 21, the first day of spring, from 21:00 in the picturesque setting of the Old Mill in via Frigaglia, will in fact proposed a happy hour with poetic Leonardo Omar Onida, Charles Valle Salvatore Delogu, Luca Losito and many artists. An original proposal for cultural things to do, a space-style Speaker's Corner is open to anyone wishing to participate by making a contribution to his art, carrying and reading his poems or verses of a beloved author. Five minutes available to each, for a succession of voices and emotions poetic. Following the screening of a short film made as a contribution to artistic and Salvador Allende, Mario Benedetti will be the occasion also presented an ambitious project called poetic song, sponsored by the Department of Culture of the Municipality and the Province of Sassari Sassari. Poetic Space and engaging atmosphere to anyone willing to help with his passion.
Fiesole (FI) THIEF OF FIRE. Tribute to Arthur Rimbaud
Type of initiative: THIEF OF FIRE. Tribute to Arthur Rimbaud
Location: NASCAR '- Via Colzi, 3 Fiesole (FI)
Date: March 20, 2011 18:00
By: Ascari
In collaboration with: School of Mime in Fiesole
Contact: Clara Carusi / 329 0721392 / 055 0776402 / This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /
Overview: The company Ascari presented at the World Poetry Day, a tribute to the damned poet par excellence. On 20 March at 18:00 in fact, in the frame fiesolana by way of rape, 3 (behind the church of Borgunto), the company brings to the stage THIEF OF FIRE. Homage to Arthur Rimbaud, reading poetry and mime. In the famous letter of the seer, Rimbaud set out to grasp the essence of reality through the true lucidity, the prerogative of the visionary poet, which can only be achieved beyond the limits imposed by the clear awareness of things through a "long, immense and reasoned deregulation of all the senses. " This process, condemns the poet to a position of social exclusion, but avoids falling into clichés, allowing you to find the true vision of reality. In the evening, Clara and Carusi Luca Francioni and hats accompanied by Bianca some students of the School of Mime, through pictures, literature, music and mime will re-shape of this enigmatic poet cursed. They will also perform some pantomime inspired his finest poems, among which we point out the Hanging, The gifts of the orphans, I sat, Ophelia, Dream for the winter, the broom. Limited seating, reservations required. For info and reservations: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit
(Gavirate) Poetry in several verses of "caravan verse - poetry in action "
Type of initiative: Poetry in several verses of" caravan of verse - poetry in action "
Location: Cloister Voltorre
Date: 20:03:11
Done by: abrigliasciolta
In partnership with: Province of Varese
Contact: ombretta Diaferia / 0332.320167 / 0332.731402 / This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - This e-mail address is protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / -
Overview: The chorus of voices caravan of poetic verse by verse poetry offers several lettaperformatainstallataaudiovideoesposizioneincartaincarneossa caravan of verse - poetry in action stops for a day as in the Cloister of Voltorre caravanserai to feed on poetry in every direction. Home of poetry for a whole day (10-18) will be animated by forty authors that winds through: 1. do not stop reading in the refectory, 2. collective performance in the exhibition halls of the cloister, 3. poetry in video installations in the upper cloister, 4. poetry in audio installations in the Cloister top 5. installations and performances in the flesh 6. exposure to publishing poetry, 7. display shows "Journey to Japan" and the end of the day includes the presentation of the collection 2011 "Caravan of verse - poetry in action" with the authors who will share performance for the next steps towards the World Poetry Day
( Assemini) whole poem 2011
Type of initiative: whole poem
2011 Location: SPACE ARKA - Cultural Center Versatile
Date: 19/03/2011 - 18:00
By: ARKA HCE) - Associazione Culturale intermedia - Sardinia
In collaboration with: Autonomous Region of Sardinia - Assemini - Prime Provincia di Cagliari
Contact: Maestro Massimo Zanasi / 070/944908 / 333/4846795 / This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /
Overview: ARKA (HCE) Association Cultural intermedia presents: whole poem in 2011 Saturday, March 19 - 18:00 pm at 21:00 Arka Area - Cultural Center Multipurpose Via Tevere, 47 - ASSEMINI (CA) - Sardegna 1. LELLA FADD "Prisoner of Amber" Aletti Editore Presentation of the book published by Aletti Editore (2011) and reading with Silvia Piscitelli, narrator Hilary Miscali, electric guitar Lello Fadda, comments and responses 2. LISANDRU Q + MARIO Piscitello: "Subspamming" Presentation of Virtual CD produced by [01 SUBSPAMMING EP, NOODG004] Reading with sound: Lisandru Quilo, Mario Piscitelli ringtones, voice narrating ephemeral 3. MASSIMO ALBERTO ZANASI + LICKS: "The man who could not chess," Performance poetry / sound by: Alberto Lecca and Massimo Zanasi and with the participation of Samuel Frederick Lecca
(Termoli) Splashes of Poetry. Painting, Poetry and Music
Type of initiative: Splashes of Poetry. Painting, Poetry and Music
Location: Aula Magna del Liceo Artistico Statale "B. Jacovitti", via Corsica 129
Date: March 23, 2011, 10:00 to 13:00 hours
By: Department of Culture of the Municipality of Termoli
In collaboration with: Department of Culture of the Molise Region, Art School Benito Jacovitti Termoli
Contact: Maria Assunta Fazzano / 0875 702311 ext. 507 / 0875 701730 / This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / , , # / event.php? Eid = 1
Overview: The students of class III B of the Liceo Artistico Statale "B. Jacovitti "celebrate World Poetry Day with readings of original poems, each in combination with an elaborate chart interpretation and musical interludes. The event will include the involvement of the audience, with discussions concerning the contents. In this way students are of multiple function: authors, actors, artists and communicators.

(All photos in this post are from my album: Flowers and Butterflies)



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