Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sd Cards Work In Car Stereo

Month of March: proverbs and sayings

E 'started in March and as usual carry-on my blog the funny proverbs in dialect cheese from the Book "A'S DO I MOD and DIR " (so to so to speak) Mario Mazzaperlini.

"I d and calends"
(The day of the Kalends. The first day of March in the folk tradition, are those in which believes recognize what will be the 'seasonal pattern of the whole' year. So on day one is the timetable of March, the two is that of April and so on until February.)

"Merz below for Totti pan (or large for Totti ) "
(March, dry bread or wheat for all. If it does not rain in March, the harvest will be plentiful)

" Merz pulvrèint, Abundo 'd furmèint "
(March dust, no rain, plenty of grain)

"Merz dry, the 'failure of the bill to gh'á brott"
(If March is dry, the farmer will not need to go borrow money from 'usurer)

Snowdrop, by' album "Flowers and Butterflies"
"Merz, marzarèll, dé a cannot and a de belle"
"Merz marzòun, a cannot and a dé dé boun "
(March marzerello a bad day and a beautiful, March, Marzone a bad day and a good one)

"Who gh'à cavazòun a beautiful (or handsome zucòun), they hoped to marzòun"
(Who has a nice block of wood, the savings for the month of March because it can do still cold)

"If gh'é Zoch in a boun 'd to curtîl, Tinel for Merz Avril"
(If c 'is a good family tree in the yard, hold it for March and April)

"The marzulèina Neiva, s'la Vin in the sira the leaves to the mateina"
(Snow in March when it comes to overnight there already more)

"The Neiva Marzola, the last as long cme 'na boun Nora"
(Snow in March last as long as the goodness a daughter in law)

fields close to home, album "Heaven and landscapes ..."

"Piântla Tertia, piântla soon, Feva for the San Juseff gh'à 'l Caplet "
(Shut up late, stop quickly, fava beans for St. Joseph's hat)

"Merz below, avril bagnée, beat with cuntadèin ch'l'á semnèe"
(dry March, April, wet, happy that peasant it has sown)

"The moon makes marzulèina gnîr boring 's insaladèina"
(The moon marzolina raises the' salad)

"For Nunzièda, the campaign 's ee invièda"
(For the Annunciation, March 25-the campaign has already started)

meadows around the house, from the album "Heaven and landscapes close to home
" Mersa sbérr and banderole, the Ciapa 's invèren by the throat "
(March and vane cop, takes the 'winter for the throat)

"Marzòun, marzòun, guèrda' s soul et ó Tegh 's umberlòun "
(Marzone, Marzone, watching the sun and then bring the umbrella)

"Marzòun the pear of Neiva in the way you maciòun.Mèrs, Marsetti , the g'la t Ira e gh-s'ál puts "
(Marzone put away the snow from the spot. Marzetti March it to him pull away and puts it to him)

Alba in front of the house, from 'album "Heaven and landscapes close to home
"to Merz, who in my gh'á 's Scherp the VA deschèlza"
(In March, who did not the shoes go barefoot, the time is coming to beautiful)

"to Merz Pastour to the count 's Pegrà"
(In March, the pastor counting sheep survived the harsh winter)

"Who magna grass Marzola, at Magna, the Medrano and po fiola the hip"
(who eats or cut the 'grass in March, and then eats the mother's daughter. You can not saw off the grass in March, because the first cut should be to the May-to-mezàdegh)

...... and since today is Thursday ... GREASE

" Pér Carnevèl, stop the st ópid EE Normelemente"
(A Carnival is making the stupid normal)

I, as a child ... album "Memories of Childhood"


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