Friday, January 28, 2011

Blackberry Pokemon Theme Curve

The "days of the blackbird" and their link with meteorology

According to popular tradition, the last three days of January are the coldest of the year. These days are commonly called "days of the blackbird", but the origin of this mode to say dates back to ancient times and has been handed down through many legends of peasant origin.
The options are many: some have a happy ending, while others end sadly, but they are all set in the same year.
The "days of the blackbird" are 29, 30 and 31 January (according to some it is between 30 and 31 January and 1 February), days in which, through signs, you can understand what the climate of the year. It is said that if these days are cold, spring will be mild and beautiful, as if they are warmer, spring arrives late.
The tradition has its origins in northern Italy and is very much felt in the Po Valley. These are places where it was and still is a widespread tradition of songs of the blackbird, song with propitiatory function for the crop year that was to begin, and that, nowadays, is purely folk.
One aspect common to different versions of the legend is the original white blackbirds. The most popular version tells of a white blackbird, flying with her children in search of shelter. His flight proceeds without results until now weary and tired, the blackbird spot the smoke rising from a chimney. He decides to take his children in that warm and safe home, managing to save his family, but the blackbirds became all blacks because soot. Since then, as a token of thanks, be accepted by blacks.
A variant of this legend just narrated protagonist in January, which formerly had 28 days. The month he enjoyed tormenting the poor with his frost white blackbirds, who had their home on an oak tree. The blackbird in January pleaded to be milder, but he gave them no respite. One year the blackbird was hidden with his entire family under one roof and in January, not seeing them, he forgot to torture them until the last day of the month (the 28th, according to legend) the blackbird, now quiet, went out to take a bit 'of the sun.
January, feeling mocked, asked to borrow three days in February, which then had 31, in those days in January sparked frost, cold and snow, so that the little family of blackbirds was frozen to death. Only the warmth of a chimney gave them refreshments, but since blacks became the battlements. January, met for revenge, he went away without returning to the days in February, which was the shortest month of the year, and stolen his days are known as the "days of the blackbird", or the coldest days of the year.
According to another version, once the little family finds shelter in the fireplace, the blackbird decides to go out to get food for everyone. His search takes three days and on his return he sees a bird black as coal, but does not notice that it is the blackbird, so back to find her. Meanwhile, the blackbird and children die of hunger. In Milan
tell this legend, but with a happy ending. The blackbird, returning to the nest after foraging, barely acknowledges his family, but, fortunately, that day became warmer in the winter and blackbirds found enough supplies to get calm until the spring. An even sadder
version tells of a blackbird being deceived by the sun in January, begins to hatch her eggs. The winter was not finished however and brought frost and snow on 29, 30 and 31 of the month, causing the breaking of the eggs and the death of children and also of the blackbird, grief-stricken. Other legends are
environment along the river Po is said that the blackbird in reality it was a girl, fond of dancing and fun with his peers, he has gone to a dance, which takes place in a village not far from his . To arrive at its destination travel through a slab of ice that covered the Po, but this broke, do not hold the weight of the girl. For three days his body was searched by friends, but the river did not return multiple. Another reworking
tells of a boy and a girl, to go to a party, crossed the Po ice cream, but slipped in its waters and disappeared. Only a blackbird saw what happened and chirped for three days, flying on passers-by for help. On the third day (January 31) the sun melted the ice and the river gave up the dead bodies, around which the flowers bloomed.
It also returns to have the battlements as the protagonists in the legend that sees them married at the end of January, in the country as the bride, was beyond the Po to return home would have to cross the river, but were guests of relatives, while in Meanwhile, the temperatures drop drastically. The blackbird across the frozen river, but drowned as a result of breaking the ice. Heard the news, the blackbird began to cry and, on cold nights in late January, his complaint still heard along the Po
Among the many interpretations, we report two others, the source of the Gospel. It is said that a blackbird stole a servant of Herod and his little ones, to prepare the polenta. A blackbird, black as coal, took a straw from the cradle of the Child Jesus and dropped it on his children, who soon learned to fly and thus were able to escape from their captivity. The miracle did melt the snow and then, on January 31, temperatures went up again.
Another legend starring a soldier of Herod, who threw the bowl of milk in the gall of the Child Jesus. A blackbird, which saw all drank the poisoned milk and suffered for three days, until January 31, the Child Jesus brought back a warm sun that accelerates the healing of the blackbird.
It can therefore be noted that the main structure of the legend, albeit with various modifications, and does not change its focal point in the chill of the last days of January.
If we look at temperatures in the "days of the blackbird", we can see that it is not always the most frigid of days, because the averages show colder than other days, but this will never be able to influence and change something, that the traditions bring to us the dawn of time.

Article by Alessandra Garau - Weather Newspaper

I take the 'opportunity of this post as a reminder that this weekend in Cervarezza Spa, in 'Appennino Reggiano, will be an event called its "I OF' D'Merlo" initiatives dedicated for children with shows, games and music for everyone. I leave here under the poster with the program.


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