Wednesday, January 26, 2011

License A Home Built Trailer In Ontario

From the blog of Sandra, on Memorial Day ....

thank Sandra for having published in his wonderful post on memory, this letter, I had never had the opportunity to read and that made me think a lot ... every school, every institution should have a copy in my opinion, not never forget what the real values \u200b\u200bto teach children (and perhaps not only them!) so that we can live with humanity and not relying on violence and intolerance ...
Here is the text of the letter:

"The headmaster of an American high school Holocaust survivor wrote to his teachers every year
Dear Professor,
am a survivor of a concentration camp.
My eyes saw what no human being should ever see:
rooms Gas built by engineers educated;
children killed with poison by well-trained doctors;
infants killed by nurses tubes;
women and children killed and burned by graduates of colleges and universities.
wary, therefore, education.
My request is: Help your students become human beings.
Your efforts must never produce educated monsters, skilled psychopaths, Eichmann of the educated.
reading, writing, arithmetic are not important if they do not serve to make our children more human.
Our school should be a place where diversity and differences in the only goal that is shared is personal growth.
only way to understand what it means to a school that can deliver the cultural heritage that comes from the past, to accompany the child and the boy in the discovery of meaning, and promote the ability to innovate and build the future that every single person ha.
I determined not to accept a school that pursues only the usefulness of the historical moment and the fleeting moment, giving up to help the student to be what it is and build in different contexts. "Chiappelli David, Director Teaching the 9th Circle of Modena-January 27, 2007

Very nice also the cartoon on 'Holocaust carried out by children of primary school in Bari and winner of the "Youth remember the Shoah. " (click HERE)

Hello Sandra! :-)


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