Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Difference Between Studless

Federica Bosco - 101 ways to forget your ex and find another one immediately

A handbook of advice for girls abandoned by their boyfriends, and who are all of a sudden the sun unexpectedly. 101 tips on a climb from the first day to the last, the first difficult step to the summit, where you will be free, you are free and not slaves of the love of a man who no longer wants to be able to find it and thousands of others, maybe you looked down!
Federica Bosco has a compelling writing, and it definitely has! A collection of humor and misunderstandings, fragments of his life and dictated by suggestions female heart in a very supportive and sensitive. To laugh, but some things are just true, and I identify with some words and some glimpses of my past.

The book is divided into 3 phases. The first with 10 commandments, and that is what not to do too much drinking, smoking, eating, tangled, not to predict the future, not to empty your credit card, do not go by the plastic surgeon, do not stalk, but not beat especially do not let your best friend! Phase 2 includes a number of strategies to mourn. All very good tips to re-connect to themselves, by eating healthy, sleeping, not texting, email, do not write on skype or facebook, do not go out unless you feel like it, throw yourself at work and do not think he starts looking at the people around you, laugh, think to yourself!
Phase 3, finally, includes tips to start life anew. From changing habits, getting a new wardrobe, to refer the look, listen to music, a long journey, reading, cooking, learning to do chores, home of the brave man to become independent, get a cat, buy colorful clothing, call one of with your ex you still a loving relationship, take a theater course, make a feast, and then write a book. What better idea than keeping your love story in a few lines, not to remember it, but because you might be useful? The stories rips tears are winning! Ironic
detailed, and always very friendly, will win you over with its simple and truthful. Why do we say, the boards are very realistic and can truly help.
For the rest? Smile, but it is a book that offers neither you purchase! Better, much better than the novels of Federico.

"better than a pot of yogurt that a kilo of ice cream, dark chocolate better than milk, more milk and cereal snacks, better soy milk for cow's milk, pumpkin seeds best of crisps , dried fruit of the best fried chicken, the better mustard, mayonnaise, jam, Nutella better, better than chocolate biscuits and the best beer of wine. Why the crisis will pass and you'll never need to replace love with food, because you'll be full of love. Love yourself for "

My review has intrigued you? Buy the book!

 Centouno modi per dimenticare il tuo ex e trovarne subito un altro

Centouno ways to forget your ex and find just another
Bosco Federica
Newton Compton, 2010
€ 4.90

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Stripper Term Tie Off

Ian Sansom - The Case of the missing books

The cover of this book is almost an antique very fascinating. I bought it but usually are not very attracted to yellow, though soft as this.
The story of Israel, a graduate in literature, a typical British man who lives in London with girlfriend super busy in tow, he always eats out, it's almost a failed business, sees nothing but the food in London, coffee London, the shops of London, London's expensive clothes, etc.. Israel, a man not just beautiful and a little 'round but highly educated, who dreams of becoming a major bibilioteca the librarian finds himself take a job in Northern Ireland, and facing a trip that will not be at all what he expected. On his arrival in fact, he realizes that the library in which he was to serve as a temporary library is closed, there is nobody, absolutely nobody! And in addition there are books! 15,000 books were taken away to all, in short, someone has stolen them!

Israel, for various vicissitudes, he finds himself without a job, no money, no decent clothes and is forced to accept a position very different from what he believed: a librarian Bibliobus (a truck that would accommodate Volumes have been stolen and traveling a certain number of stops each day, like a real bus, but where is the law!), a battered van to be upgraded without books and really difficult to drive! The whole is surrounded by quirky characters (and most Irish!) Of the small village of Tundrum: people who speak with an accent not quite exciting, no clothes, does not know the minimum academic language, the judge a city snob, not do his own business but also the cultural knowledge which is much lower than normal. Israel feels lost, estranged and excluded. So different, awkward, an elegant man a little 'nerd immersed in the Irish countryside is constantly flooded by the rain, without aid, without his girlfriend (who even answers the phone) and a job that must complete in order to have the money to return to his beloved London and drunk, finally, a decent cup of coffee.
The character Inglese man is very well outlined by the author, and the diversity with people of Ireland (but I'm not too sure may correspond to a realistic view). The love of books is evident but not strong enough to win. The halo that you can almost touch each page is dull, not bright and I was not convinced that much. Yellow is very soft and perhaps more suitable for me but still soft, keep glued to the pages but without a short suspenseful that there must be, the periods should arrive at the climax are very long and they almost lose their appetite to find out ... the highlight of this language is so simple that could then be read by a child of the medium, even if the references to literary, artistic and television and many are reported with a numerino at the end of the book. A weak character, who manages to solve the mystery by-case basis, without any spirit of investigation, and that, given the lack of character intended by the author, has not left me much. A book light, if not light, to read for fun, but do not expect anything more. It is a large yellow, not a great novel. The cover mentions Alexander McCall Smith and his character strong Precious Ramotswe. No type of comparison may be, in my opinion, done. By chance or luck, Precious is a woman of character, Israel is a man devoid of personality. It remains a nice idea, but could be better developed by the author.

Il caso dei libri scomparsi. Le storie del Bibliobus di Tundrum

The case of the missing books. The stories of the Bibliobus Tundrum
Ian Sansom
TEA, 2009
€ 12.00

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Playing Pokemon With The Visual

Greg Dawson - The girl

A book enjoyable and interesting, although sometimes painful, of this Greg Dawson . I decided to buy it after reading a few lines of the first page. One of those novels that you win instantly where understand that writing is similar to your mood and you need to feel satisfied.

is not a fictional novel but a true story. The author traces the life of the mother and sister, two Ukrainian Jews miraculously survived the Nazi extermination. It does so by expressing sorrow and regret, emotion, affection and profound respect. The love of family, mother Russia, music, independence become desperate voice in a story that becomes longer and paste your eyes to the pages.
History Zhanna and Frino, two wunderkind of the piano, music has saved my life.

Raised in the town of Kharkov , the two children are already very small the prestigious Moscow Conservatory , had a father and a mother sweet candy. But things changed over time, even before the Nazis, even before Hitler invaded the Ukraine and his troops (and Stalin quietly left him to do). The extermination of Ukrainian Jews were happening long lost in the fields and mobile gas trucks equipped for use, the first real gas chambers. The concentration camps Auschwitz and Trerblinka were far away, when Russia saw the first death millions of Jews in Ukraine. Zhanna Frino and survived miraculously, managed to escape the march in the snow, on an empty stomach and no possibility to stop, which lasted many days and nights, bringing unsuspecting (or nearly so) Jews to die along Drobitsky Yar. The life of the watch from his waistcoat Zhanna earned him the father, in which a young soldier could not say no.
The two little girls aged just 12 and 10 years, half crossed between Russia bombing, sightings anti-Semites, Nazis and spies, to be able to find a safe place and a place to make new document and change its name. Without money, no family, no warm clothes and above all without music. The violin's father was like a family member and was robbed without mercy. The piano remained in their old house, which had to leave. Zhanna But keep in the inside pocket of his coat, the score with the face of a young Chopin 's Sudden fantasy. Just remember that in his young life destroyed. Between meetings, lucky breaks, bombing, fear, hunger, cold, prayers, the two manage to finally change its name and start a new life. In Germany it is recognized their talent, improvise and play for the Nazis with all their proud hatred, but also, once the war ended, hundreds of Jews who survived the massacre.
Zhanna never forget the warm, Russia, which will seek to return at all costs, as a blind to a love that can not forget. It will be his sister to stop her, and to save her life.
encounter with an American soldier, able to land in New York and crowns the dream of their lives: a scholarship to the prestigious Juilliard Conservatory.

A true story, told in a very realistic Zhanna's son, Greg. An American attached to its origins and eager to bring to light the terrible story of his family. A story never told within the walls of the house, covered with an aura of mystery to all its growth. A story that would be cleared with the rebirth of Zhanna and Frino, two established musicians and listed, which have made the art of music their lives, and to which art has given a chance to live.
Beautiful, must-read.

If you enjoyed this review, you can buy the book here

La pianista bambina

The pianist girl
Greg Dawson
Piemme, 2010
€ 16.50

Friday, December 3, 2010

What Soda Gives The Best Gas

pianist Luca Rota - My girlfriend almost perfect

I learned of this book by chance, by chance as I have indeed read.
Rarely I am going to read books of latest release (this is May 2010), but I was curious of how I got it (but also by its cover, let's face!).

The book was printed by a small publishing house in Ravenna (reverse direction), has a soft cover and the picture looks like a cartoon, with a beautiful girl with breathtaking body in the foreground. The design I loved it!

Luca Rota is a young writer, and it shows. Just a few pages to figure it out. Young writing, young thinking, but deep inside, most of what the book might suggest, any more than the jokes scattered in different pages may have you believe.

Tratanti The protagonist is Tom, a normal boy of 35 years, accompanied by his dog Sandy, a strange dog that knows how to drive, it says. He speaks of himself, his wacky inventions, reflecting on extraterrestrial life, about complicated relationships, on personal physical defects that prevent normal social relations, but also falls in love with Tom, a beautiful girl, very beautiful, the kind that take your breath away. But the girl suffers from a rare, very rare, which prevents the two to live a peaceful and normal relationship to the couple and leads them to absurd and bizarre mating attempts, however, never concluded. The author focuses on the importance of love, values \u200b\u200bof life, trying to convey a message that starts precisely from the depths of superficiality. The externality may affect human relationships to the point of misleading them, cracked, destroy them? Today's society is far too full of appearance that I could not see beyond itself? Somewhere in the world there is someone who can see with different eyes, but the same as yours? So, how to extricate this maze (great and trivial) and to find any fulfillment that can not be "visual"?

The book is incredible. Maybe a little 'too extreme, with a slightly British humor that I was not particularly excited, but that allowed the author to accentuate the feeling of hopelessness that characterizes the protagonist (and perhaps, himself). Surely to understand, some jokes are really minimal and could perhaps be avoided, but it gets the idea of \u200b\u200binadequacy and social diversity. I can say the same outlandish disease of the girl, perhaps too great a defect surreal, where it seems almost more important to arrive at a conclusion that sexual other (even if it is just the other research that the author). Towards the end the writing becomes more loose and deep, as if the author wants to grant its pure interiority shaking off the jokes before. But they are only a few pages, and it is a pity.

short, an unusual novel, a young and easy to write, that perhaps we are not very prepared and we can perhaps smile. But in the end, in the final turn, where you think really come a very profound conclusion, the author chooses to be real and not to tell fairy tales. Showing, in full, and the membership in today's society that you want or do not want you incorporated, you must be bypassed and that, somehow, to survive.

"at the bottom, Sometimes, the flaws are used to extol the virtues "
" the future has a great value, from all points of view: until you arrive, you never know what will ... "

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pokemon Heart Gold Rom Patch

Shotta milan.

project make a change. we are among the finalist groups. tell us that we need to shoot a promotional clip in an elementary school in Milan. my first reaction is: elementary school? then Milan again?
are without enough money right now. marilena fact, that is the mind of the group, proposes to turn in friuli. nothing. in the end we propose the material cost, and reimbursement of expenses by train (and we're still waiting for who knows how long to wait-but the hope is the last to die, maybe). design a bit 'up the ladder, I buy the material and the last, as always, drawing. I try to see if there is still someone I know so I can stop in Milan for the weekend. the worth is in Brussels. mauro feel. But that is turin Friday. I try to write to the faith. call me. tells me what he does now. I like the faith. know a lot of things and it's always nice to me. he invites me to visit him in San Remo. even he is in Milan right now. 6 o'clock on a Friday delivery from Cividale. elisa take home. siam or Udine. late. without a ticket on the train. Codroipo to go down to make the ticket. date back. mestre. fog. marilena comes from San Donà. But the trains are blocked by the fog. In fact, there was also in Udine a bit '(which is strange ... because usually in the morning the sky is always clear). marilena arrives. took the train to Naples. take the train to Milan. milan is not fog. underground. Guidance on the map, readily preserved from the years of apprenticeship in Milan marilena. arrive. lunch. Jesuit school. well it's like being at Comillas in Madrid. Jesuit schools are all equal. courtyard in the center with basketball court, a chapel inside, open spaces of representation and people with money. however I have not found it hurt when I studied in Madrid. boh. maybe I just preconceptions. escorted us to the third floor (because we can not turn peril building alone). even Annika, our tutor, came to greet us and to help us during filming. however, everything seems more relaxed and more in hand than I thought. preconceptions: P. prepare. children arrive. have 9 years. begin. I have the microphone on him. I try to not crashed and no one will give you time to take the audio engineer. I marilena short overlaps. you talk all the time (thankfully!). eventually end up. exit. there is a funeral in the chapel. Elisa anxiety despite his spiritual background. accompany Annike close to home. lives in a beautiful district of Milan. There is the sun. I think madrid. or all of the big cities are alike. or I miss madrid. cathedral. turnovers by Luini. beer. Coffee from 2.60 €. beer. train. udine. car behind the station. November 18 are the final evening of the project and I'm really out of money.

Pros And Cons To Selling Organs Alive

around the 16 to 18 October triveneto

alarm at 9. Saturday. comic material research on the Internet. I talk in chat with s. return home. that was my grandfather's house. I go home to my mom. lunch. I greet my sister (has the flu). train from Udine. 14 hours. parking lot behind the station (recently tried to open the car tutu, I hope you find the car when I get back-I think). I go down. I put the car keys in the bag large. train. I read. Venice Saint Lucia (cloudy sky). daniel does not respond (but invited me to see us in boston). Campo Santa Margherita. tobacco, tobacco 5 €. Bridge Academy (there is a show about a young photographer and kubric. I have not got enough money, I continue to travel without credit cards: P). Campo San Polo (I think it's called ... well ... where there's always wrong-cagalibri the statue). Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa in San Marco (Japanese exhibition posters. very interesting, but how do sti Japanese), pee € 1.50. No timetable to live more volute. rafts. rains. santa margherita (felafel! gnammy!). Saint Lucia station. train to Bologna. Rovigo. lucia which is in Moscow and Rovigo. bologna (Zimba calls me!) s.felice port bus 33. Bologna is a strange city. guy with shoes in hand in the rain. Zimba appearance. is finishing up work. lory's house, Zimba, hector and Gianluca. reach people. meadow and a bit 'of disorientation. I think s. , The girlfriend who has just bologna. 3:00 am at the home of Zimba. 11 hours awake. all super nice. it comes to Swiss in Bergamo and the cost of petrol in Slovenia. said perhaps come to see me in friuli. vain invites me to come in Bergamo. But I do not think I'm going to Bergamo shortly. I think I have to look for a job!. vane said in Bergamo is located easily. Greeting Zimba. daniel I have not heard. bus 36. bologna station. train to london. Annalaura to write, but she is in Venice. arrival in london at 15.30 (time secure endorsement of the controller). I still wet the boots yesterday. I write to Mary. I decide to go to his bus. it rains again it is pointless for me to take the station by bike. bus 11. stop house of bread. There is also a flower. is finishing writing the thesis. Mary also is writing his doctoral thesis. I should also write. exit. square of spritz. spritzer Aperol. return. cook. Kousmine diet. granetti. tea from the shop in Padua. called maria maria (English, her roommate has to come from Rome). expect it. we are hungry. eat without waiting for Mary. and soon after he arrives. with directly by the Galician empanada: 9 slurp. called the owner of the house of Mary. the new occupants arrive the next morning at 9. 23 go to sleep. 8:30 I wake up ... I'm not much of a case brought sn ... T-shirt I slept in hoping for clemency of the weather. Fortunately for me that Mary has left the duvet. sbaraccare the room. I shower. come the new roommates. 1 year of college, Mary feels old. flower leaves (and forget your wallet at home). I do not see the end even the new roommates. meadow in the valley. market stalls. mutant fruit. has a Japanese name, it looks like a seedless mandarin ... I talk a lot with Mary. I do not stop when I start is a vice. Thank God that people do not get tired. Mary's House. lunch. discussion of the linguistics department of Padua. Mary tells me that they have built up an Indian burial ground, why is only misfortune. what struck me most about a teacher who only now 60 years could marry the man who loved life and was married to another woman. but how can I be related to man so long and not feel cheated. maria says that the English were different times. Dunno, maybe it's a good story for a comic. fine dining. Tutu wrote to me to quit. sn but in Padua. Hail Mary. I take the train. udine. late at night and I still find the car:)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Acl And Meniscus Surgery

Sherry Argov - Big suffer

A Manual for the good girls or girls bitches? book that my Mom, I'm almost shocked.
Obviously a gift, I would never have thought of buying such a book. But Sherry Argov is tamely ruthless and his suggestions are not that be underestimated.

In essence, the book summarizes the rules to win men and women. We say that general rules can be applied to most men. And the title, but not too ironic, "Big suffer", is definitely fits perfectly, especially if you are a doormat women who leave tame by any "asshole" to your front steps. Needless to say, I love, Sherry Argov is the kind of woman fighter who can make you feel heaven but hell.

The book is rather schematic and sometimes essential. I would say in some places also quite useful. But let's not forget that men are not all equal and that, above all, when you love, the rules can never (or hardly ever) to apply. I wondered what would serve such a book to a bitch who knows how to behave with men, and consequently bring down at his feet the man she wants. There are really so weak that women accept anything from the first date, even if they are in love? If so, I hope they are a minority!
The psychological analysis of the male gender is still very good. The author is brilliant and intelligent men and know them well! I think that this book will be helpful to inexperienced, perhaps the young. But it is also a sympathetic hand to give to some friends a little 'unlucky in love, who can laugh about it and take strength from a new writing certainly engaging, lovable and winning! Congratulations to the author!

If you enjoyed this review, you can buy the book here

 Falli soffrire. Gli uomini preferiscono le stronze

Big suffer. Gentlemen Prefer bitches
Sherry Argov
Piemme, 2007
€ 10.00

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Where Can You Buy Soft Lips Chapstick

belgrade belgrade

the end I could not fit the movie. however, remain among the things to do.
impressions: Belgrade is a city very happy. if you say you are vegetarian and teetotaler think you're sick (but also in Friuli). apart from that I loved. People are very friendly and I am attaching below the story that made me a guy with the Kosovo crisis (it's interesting to have different points of view. and maybe even the right point of view).

Kosovo was an integral part of Serbia. were in the territory of Kosovo of ethnic Albanians. The Serbian government has authorized the entry of a greater number of Albanians because of the difficult conditions of life in Albania. the allocation of the Albanian population has increased in number and they have begun to demand independence from Serbia. This has caused tensions between Serbian and Albanian communities. Serbs committed in the territory began to leave. and so on with guerrilla warfare on both sides, until the moment of crisis. is to remember that in Kosovo contains important buildings for the Serbian Orthodox religion more thing that aggravates the conflict.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Navy Eod Should I Get Prk Before I Join Navy Eod?

Tiziano Sclavi - Monsters

A very special book, it seems almost a cartoon, and a marked extreme realism. A book that should be taken to nerves, and not suitable for people who love to dream. The reality is told with great harshness and detachment, as indeed what it is inescapable.

The story of three sick children and their lives told within the walls of a shared room in a hospital. Medical visits, breakfasts, lunches and dinners are all equal, the round of medical students who are sometimes good ... sometimes disastrous and gossip in the corridors between nurses, patients and suicide profound expectation on the results of examinations, that make life full of hope, even when hope is only a dream.
Tiziano Sclavi is a connoisseur of the human spirit, tells the story as a medical person who knows both from the standpoint of the physician and patient, or otherwise such things as someone who has seen them up close. Ciccio, a dwarf, Gnägi, mentally retarded and Sam, a boy without limbs, live their daily tragedy, with resignation. But Ciccio not to be won, and continues to trust the words of those who settled the stuffing of a chimera illusory. But it is not perhaps the desire for healing? This is not the vain illusion of who knows he is sick, feels deep within himself that will never heal but continues to dream? A true story and so real that they are almost creepy. The main characters are called "monsters." People who are not normal, marginalized people, people to whom life has made the bad joke of incapacity. So not only marginalized, but adults, teenagers, children, monsters who survive every day, whose days are all alike, and who wait, hold back, playing only their atonement: the hopeless path towards death.

"I think that is the same thing out here. But more must be lugging his own shadow"
"thought that silence was the emptiness of that space, how space is true that almost everything is made of vacuum, and only if you meet every once in a planet full of craters "
" Sometimes I think I'm almost lucky not to have to take arms, and failed to to leave "


Tiziano Sclavi
Edizioni BD, 2010
€ 17.00

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Licence Plate Front Honda Civic 2008

Marcela Serrano - Our Lady of Solitude

A writer who touches the heart, there is not much more to say on Serrano.
The title of the book drew me, and will also attract you if you can get past the lines and do not stop the words. Our Lady of Loneliness brought me back to old stories Mexicans, made me recall with nostalgia and melancholy moments when candles mingled to the music, the music you play and do not listen, but you are born into it. So I decided to read this book because a book is named after the patron saint of Oaxaca can not be read.

The story is about a writer disappeared, and the main character who tries to understand, at the request of her husband, where she is, what happened to her, if she's dead or whatever. Therefore a different story, a kind of yellow, thinking about other novels Serrano, leaving perhaps surprised. But is not the classic yellow (which, as a genre, I'm not very enthusiastic), it is much more a story of passion embroidery, life, feelings, colors, sorrows, frustrations, worries, loneliness and deep. All focused on women, or rather, about a woman: Carmen.
The story of a lonely, but also a story of deep love and can not ever break. A woman deemed "crazy" outside the box, without end or purpose, rational and irrational, a victim of its own folly, intelligent, beautiful and unique, just as some women manage to be. A woman whose life is not enough and that place several times for different paths, but always comes back there, always at that critical point in his wound that can not and should not be sewn together: Love, the true, pure for a man who is her but that will never be his.

The pain then, but also the eternal love, the one that can bind two people for eternity. At which point you forget everything, even their children's lives, but surely his own.
A novel of remarkable sensitivity, perhaps less successful than others, but also touching.
is always accompanied by a fantastic inner journey, the discovery of Chile, India and Mexico, and his colorful city that once seen, can not be forgotten: Oaxaca (and Mexico, beautiful, sublime, intelligent, men).

"everyone believes novels that the authors recreate the memories, the events. But I find that they anticipate "
" the absence of the rose is a rose "
" madness has no place in the world "
" laziness is not a peculiarities, but a symptom "
" are the new world! "
" ... a passion to act as an engine ... "
" India is a place where lost "
" Mexico, the great scar "
"Love knows no reward outside the experience of love, and marks only the humility"
"women make their nonsense does not like us, for negligence and lightly, but when they are very unhappy "
" Oaxaca: Riviera, Trembling, Unfathomable "
" Loneliness is like a light without the sun. When it wears out, is the purity "
"the problem is that the Mexicans never cease to be married"

Buy the book here

 Nostra signora della solitudine

Our Lady of Solitude
Marcela Serrano
Feltrinelli, 2003
€ 7.50

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cute Lower Hip Tattoo Ideas

Marco Missiroli - Darkness on

He did not hit the young Missiroli this writer with his first book I read. I found it stale and boring, the ending is understood from the beginning and the suffering is told more as a matter of entering school in the true feelings of the protagonist.
The story is that of a lame, a little girl who was born with an atrophied leg in a small town closed and bigoted, where everything must be perfect and where there is no place for the maimed. The girl is the daughter of the mayor of R. R point (R) is the name that the author chooses for the country. I have not yet figured out which means R and I found it a bit 'annoying! A. What does this mean? I wish I knew.

For children who are born in some way sick but also to those who are ill is expected dust cake, which is a deadly poison, so that the country remains pure and nothing and nobody can make decadent. The mayor decides not to give the dust cake to her daughter, putting himself against all odds and trying to make people understand that she's a girl like all the others. The child grows
indoors, inside his home, in the company of another child, called "crazy". You want to play with other children who see through the window, would have a normal life and do not understand why she is denied. The father decides to teach it from a teacher at home, and that in itself is uplifting. But not enough. The inhabitants of R. are fierce against the lame and the fool, do not want them, despise them and would like to see them dead. Until one day change the mayor's father and the mother of the now grown child can not do anything, and life becomes very difficult.
growth in the darkness, a darkness that you feel him and you can not get rid of, maybe not anyone taught you, you may not have enough strength, maybe you're just a small window on the world weak and incapable. But one day everything changes because fate in the end, along with justice, restore peace in at least one heart.

The novel is, unfortunately, I do not like, or at least has not left me much. The constant references to the two main characters (the girl and the baby a bit 'out of my head) with the name of "lame" and "crazy" has made the book a bit poetic and perhaps too dismissive. The feelings of the girl could be more detailed, rather than a simple external view of things, events, movements, with no hint of introspection or inner feelings. The author is still sliding and the book reads quickly, although I have done a really great effort. The cover I really liked most of the novel!

"then the song remained silent until the pain on the skin. Then began"

Il buio addosso

Darkness on
Missiroli Marco
Guanda, 2007
€ 15.00

Monday, September 20, 2010

Tiffany Towers Current

Paola Mastrocola - The hen flying

A book light and pleasant, that you read in a hurry, and retaining all the authenticity of a writer you always leaves something in it.
It tells the story of Carla, a teacher of high school dissatisfied with the school and maybe even a bit 'of his life, and ultimately finds that such relief is building with his hands, a chicken coop with 24 chickens, 12 per day and 12 for the night. His dream is definitely impossible to fly a chicken, but it does not flutter, but just make them take flight, like any other bird. Why else would the chickens wings? Between entertainment and reality Mastrocola us again generously in his world of school, life, sadness, and shows us a woman strong and fragile, you do not give up and he is looking for in every way to give a reason, to dig thoroughly, to illuminate the way for those who can understand.

The school seen through younger eyes, perhaps still naive and hopeful, to be a teacher but also by a woman, mother and wife, who asks for more and choosing the souls on their way to help them compatible . So try to do with his favorite pupil, named Carla as her, help her to give him a motivation, a deeper meaning in life, though, when it dominates the poverty, there is little to be done.
Eventually the protagonist gets its way, that is to fly one of his very funny chickens? The studies all but its all believe, we believe tight! It makes up a share of its own. That will lead to a real competition for hens!
between frustration and another, and another and another, the Mastrocola shows us a woman tired and dizzy, perhaps, who care nothing and everything, but still firm in his ideals, with the desire to change that filled with the constant desire for renewal, and the disappointment, always on, of social decay in the school and everything that goes around.
Cute, fun, as fun to read!

La gallina volante

The hen flying
Mastrocola Paola
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2005
€ 14.00

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Gba Pokemon Emerald Cheats For Gpsphone

Joseph Culicchia - Wonderland

I just finished reading this book, I closed and I must say that I was shaken. The end is really painful. Culicchia is an author who reveals the truth, reality, suffering, cruelty. And it does so with skill, style and simplicity. With purity. Some writers can pierce the heart and the heart like love, but when it is painful. This final pierced me, got me back to very old memories that had faded away. It surprised me. Inside.

The story of Attila, called Attila, a boy of 14 years, and a very important year for her life and its growth, the first year of high school, 1977. A politically difficult year, a year of changes, a year that you slap on the reality and makes you become a man by force.

Attila is a shy guy, supported by love and friendship of her strange and problematic friend Franz or Francis said Zazzi. A guy who believes a fascist, but then it's not even so sure, weird and unusual, challenging everything and everyone but terribly alone, as you may have and feel all the boys of that age. Attila has a sister, Alice, who loves so much and who has just moved to Milan, she ran away from his family, a family in which love is not even whispered, and where the appearance prevails, almost to wear down the affects become a standard of living to be met in order to allow the silence and peace that every family should have (but not happiness).
Attila suffers, and loves only his grandfather, who was also a crank and rooted in his political views but extremely intelligent and innovative, pushing Attila not giving up and deal with his life as a teenager with a heart and desire.
Everything is peppered with anecdotes, especially school teachers, field trips, questions, ultra-Catholic classmates, rebellion, the first crush on an older girl who just think you see it or emotions, fear of not being able to finish anything in life, and some political and social interlude Culicchia part of an intelligent and well for the reader to better understand the events occurring at that time in those months, in those hours.

You can grow well in a family where you do not feel understood, in a school you do not like, with an incredible desire to do other (music), with a loving sister away, with a mother and a father from the mournful character that does not exist only lowers her head, splashed with a friend and the disappointment and the expectation that then, after perhaps not be able to do anything other than what he is unable to immature kid and too young to really be able to do?
Adolescence is the case, and maybe for the male children is even more difficult. But it seems that when the failure precedence over the real possibility, life slaps you in front of you relentlessly. So even if you are ready, even if you do not want to, even if you feel you can not do it, it's time to grow.

Extremely realistic and alive. Write a colorful and flowing. Definitely a book to read.

Il paese delle meraviglie

Culicchia Joseph
Garzanti Libri, 2006
€ 9.00

Monday, June 28, 2010

Footprints On Shoulder Tattoo

Frank McCourt - Hey, Professor! Paola

The author of Angela's Ashes still shines in this book, very different and sometimes deeper, more human as the other but with more mature ideas and rich experience.
Frank is a man (born in America, grew up in Ireland to Irish parents, and returned to America as a teenager) extraordinarily sensitive, emotional, humble, and who loves literature, commitment, the deep contact with his students. This book is a long story and once again the path of a piece of his life, the life that brought him to America, including vocational schools, high schools and colleges.

For him, teaching is a mission and gratification. He teaches but learns, grows, but grows himself, make their way into the light of the eyes of his boys. Boys
multifaceted classes with faces and accents from all over the world, that sometimes ignorance, reading, I was stunned. And of course, a face-up on America, so distant and so different from what we see, how we think, how we live by ourselves. The environment the school is described in loving and critical. But the kids are getting them: naive, lazy, appalled, inattentive, forcibly realistic.
What's in a teacher? What's behind the lives of those who live for a job he loves, and he can do just that, despite allowing just survival? A real man, wonderful, romantic and very rich man who is displayed in all its beauty (and weakness). Without shame.

"horizons were better human beings. Mica annoyed other horizons"
"And 'the language to reveal the man. Speak. So I can see you"

 Ehi, prof!

Hey, Professor!
Frank McCourt
Adelphi, 2008
€ 11.00

Monday, June 7, 2010

Best Drugstore Non Comedogenic Foundation

Mastrocola - Happiness float

Third collection of poems for Mastrocola after The breeding ground of which God and Amazed.
Not having read the first two I can not say much about the past (the collection of more than 10 years ago), but this little booklet just out in library interior is a song that once again the author turns to its core compatible. If you loved A boat in the woods you can only appreciate and feel very close to the interior of this writer that both communicates and gives so much. I browsed in the library, but then I went to the library to buy it, just to have him with me every now and reread it.
depth, diversity, elevation, as always, the feelings of the sublime and special Mastrocola for those who understand it.

La felicità del galleggiante
Happiness float
Mastrocola Paola
Guanda, 2010
€ 13.00

Friday, May 28, 2010

Best Defeat Autism Now Doctor

Oggero Margherita - The job of a street cat

first book I read by Margaret Oggero , which I found pleasant but perhaps a bit late 'disappointing.
The story is brilliant. Starring a cat named Rusty and his wacky friend, Odradek , a mysterious animal (s literary creation), born from the imagination of Kafka (a spool of thread, a small, fast and with a voice like the rustling of fallen leaves) and that the Oggero revives his way.
rust is a rust-colored cat, a young mother who was sent to England, where he will attend a special meeting just for cats descended from Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland . That is, cats that smile and that may be, whenever they want, invisible.
Rust, however, is lost, the father she never knew and the mother can not help much, since one day is hit and loses his memory. He walks like this and by chance meets Odradek. The two together are funny: Rust is a curious kitten, strong, lively, merry, naive, ignorantello; Odradek is far, sophisticated, deboluccio, courteous and set up, cultured alone. The two meet and become friends. They need each other. Rusty needs a guide, culture, security, Odradek for companionship, affection, sharing and the spontaneity and lightness that the creatures have little younger and still weighed down by life. The one about how youth (tele, risto, cine), the more so if we are archaic. After entering in confidence, the two way towards England, and meanwhile are known, are mixed, they grow together. Rust melt the heart of Odradek, will make it lighter, less opaque and sad, more amiable, and teach the cat Odradek life, relations with the world, will explain what is literature and teaches him to read. The two in fact lose out, and while traveling (car, truck, train ...) always end up finding what they love most: books. The books that take you away from the world but do you also feel more real and close to the heart, if you know you love them and understand them. Enough to make you forget everything, even the task, and you arrive late for what was to be the most important meeting of your life.
A small tale delighted (and perhaps obvious) order, with morals that everyone needs to be a consistent side, but also help to increase diversity, to live, to feel happy.

Cute, but maybe a bit silly towards the end '. Too bad, because up to half the book is literally conquering!

"is to read the books then you become indecisive?" ( Rust)
"What binds me to this city? Nothing now. Traveling Perhaps I can give a meaning to my existence, to self-founded, out of the cupio dispel that grips me" (Odradek)

Il compito di un gatto di strada

The job of a street cat
Oggero Margaret
Einaudi, 2009
€ 12.00

Friday, May 21, 2010

Why Am I Always D.c From Maplestory

Paola Mastrocola - The nostril of the rabbit

short. I found this little book (I would say story) exciting, even if writing of Mastrocola is always nice. The story is about Barbara, a girl who feels different, then that becomes a woman, is done at work, get rich, it is very beautiful, contented, seductive. In short, a woman who lacks nothing, and yet something is missing. One day Barbara begin to get in the nostril of the rabbit, that is, the movement of the nose that make all the rabbits. As a child he had a rabbit in fact, the Their relationship was difficult, but there was, and she was able to get so much in harmony with this unfriendly rabbit, who had kidnapped the move of the nostril. Since then, in moments of difficulty or inadequacy, made the gesture and everything was resolved. But the same gesture, is outside the control of Barbara. The agitation, anxiety, but also the love, the urge to do so forever.
such a gesture can remove all the people he meets? It can be really frustrating, rude, such as to take away your dreams? For today's society, obviously, if it happens with family, friends, boyfriends. The sense of inadequacy and specialty is in the books of Mastrocola, and it is clear in this. A person looking, she finds herself no longer be a nonsense for the simple fact of being watched (again) only in its appearance.
But Barbara knows, and until they find one who will understand, if they go his way, even if alone.
Again the same themes of all time, the uniqueness, diversity, security in that burst of character that makes the characters of Mastrocola extremely realistic and alive.
Nevertheless, the book seems a long story broken in half, only sketched a drawing, a sadness almost useless.

La narice del coniglio

The nostril of the rabbit
Mastrocola Paola
Guanda, 2009
€ 10.00

Can You Get Skin Cancer In Your Armpit?

Jostein Gaarder - The castle of frogs

Another nice book Children of Gaarder. Definitely not the best, but can be read from 10 years upwards (even less for me). The themes are always the same: the mysteries of life and death, truth, beauty, diversity within and without, the good and evil.
The story is about a child who is lost in the garden, he meets a gnome that takes him to her fairy world, where run into frogs, tadpoles, salamanders, and there are even a castle, a king, a queen and a princess. A fairy world, but not so much. Gaarder always brings us back to reality, because the dream of the child is completely full of people who took part and are part of his life. For example, the Princess Aurora looks a lot like Camilla, his cousin, and the king, so good, reminds him of his grandfather. See if the story is just one of this king who steal your heart, just as they did to his grandfather, who died because I did not have a heart anymore. But the king is alive!
The child protagonist plunges into a story that is his imagination, accompanied by a gnome who helps him to understand that fantasy is not always the dream and that sometimes, if you do not often come true.
A simple and effective book is ideal to introduce children to the philosophy and the great questions of life, but also to their favored subjects. Not the best book but the author certainly valid.

Il castello delle rane

Castle frogs
Jostein Gaarder
Salani, 2004
€ 9.50

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Americantrip Online Pl

Marcelle Sauvageot - Leave me alone

A song. A desperate woman calls her heart to love and his pain. A wonderful book, written in the 30's by a woman suffering from tuberculosis, leaving his man to go to heal. But his man one day write a letter, where he announces his marriage to another woman and asks her friendship. The friendship that there can be when love is still true, pure, pure, irrepressible. And the pain bursts, sweeps, so intelligent, gifted, like a river that can not be tamed. The author's words do you live, sharp. And in every line you can know the love story of all of us.
Written cleverly, intelligently, prevaricating, sometimes shocking. Does reflect, grieve, but leaves intact the feeling of dignity typical of women who want to be preempted by men who, in the end, only showed their profound weakness.
A little jewel, thinking to read the author (who actually died of tuberculosis) and his love, which is really well done.

"I do not love me anymore. How ridiculous carefully avoids telling me. It is not a promise. And yet I would do so well now that I'm alone and I'm going away, trusting me with your love rock . I need, I would find it when I get healed. The certainty that someone continues to love and wait is a momentary distraction and irrelevant to those who remain, but a great joy to the sick man for him is as if the life she left was aware of his absence, the patient can not figure out a different future, weak and in pain for sharp break with the past, that after the application is to perpetuate the first, improving "
" close our eyes because the illusion returns. It 's like a dream: do not move "
" can not be me to say I love you. And if the person they tell me I'm wrong, but I believe? "
" when you do not know pain, you have more strength to face him, because it ignores its scope: you only see the fight and hopefully arrive at a better time later. But when you know it, you want to raise their hands to ask for grace and exclaim, exhausted and incredulous: again? "
" any excuse to cry is a trifle, a silly phrase read in the newspaper, which in other conditions cause only a shrug of the shoulders, throws into an abyss of emotion "
" I would not be able to give you happiness. It 's an old song once, which resembles a dried flower. It's so early in the past to become an old thing? Happiness? It 's a word of commiseration "
" sure I want to lose your head, but I want to seize the moment when I lose it, and push further the knowledge of consciousness that abandons. Must be present for their own happiness "
takes just a glance, a word, a silence to worry ... but I say: you are free, because I will not force you to stay and I would, however, that remains"
"I get angry if I felt particularly good and you were not there "
" maybe I smile and give the impression that the anger in me to evoke the irony. But the truth is that I'm bored to death with all these women who speak of their husbands'
"the man for whom a woman is made not is perhaps the one that agrees to be? "
" true friendship is when I say what I think anytime a person able to share my happiness or my problems "
" But let me: no can be close to me. Let me suffer, let me heal, leave me alone. Do not think that offer friendship to replace the love can console me, maybe I'll be pleased when you do not suffer anymore. But now I'm sick, and when I'm bad, I walk away without looking back. Do not ask me to turn around and look, do not follow with my gaze from afar. Let "
" I now wish to be happy, and I'm sure you'd even able to find me a husband or a lover to console "
" dance is the rhythm of life more happy, dance when you thought you would not ever done is a victory a great achievement "

 Lasciami sola

Leave me alone

Guanda Marcelle Sauvageot, 2005
€ 9.00