Monday, February 28, 2011

How Big Was John Holmes?

* * * Red Riding Hood (waiting for ....)

Here's to You my Red Riding Hood..
ready for New Bijoux? m?

Love You all!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Can A Twisted Bowel Cause Back Pain



There are several recipes, or better, variants of the same recipe to make wonderful intrigoni and thought I'd write some, the most commonly used to cook these cakes at Carnival. The intrigoni are widespread in many parts of d 'and Italy are also called Frappe, or Frappole Sfrappole. In Reggio Emilia, according to local tradition, are called "INTRIGÒUN" and should be dipped (puce) in a delicious whipped cream (the lat-mel) cream made with mascarpone cheese and milk which I leave the recipe in the bottom of the page. The intrigoni are made with "rags" (str ass) , pieces of sweet dough that are rolled and twisted (intrigue) pleasure according to the customs of particular several countries in the province:
in fact named after Correggio also "Rusòun" (rosettes) because they are twisted round, like a rose, while in Guastalla are called "LI LATÛGHI" (lettuce) to their similarity to the leaves of lettuce.

Recipe n.1

500 gr. white flour
2 whole eggs and egg yolk
1 tablespoon full of lard
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
white wine to taste (about two cups )
lard to fry - sugar

Mix all ingredients in order to obtain a firm dough and rolling pin to pull (la canela) . Take a ball of dough, let it rest for half an hour then roll it out with the cinnamon to a thickness of about 2-3 mm. With the toothed wheel make rectangles of dough (about 9 x 6 cm.) And draw the trackwheel to two cuts' inside the pasta, along the long side: twisted the hem as you like. Fate of pasta ribbons of different length and 2-3 cm wide. Braided tapes ring, eyelet, a cockade. In a skillet, melt the lard and when it is hot, fry it in the intrigoni. When they are golden brown (but not too much), put them on paper towels and sprinkle with powdered sugar. They should be eaten hot or cold, dipped in whipped cream (see recipe).

Recipe No.2
(version with cream )

300 gr. white flour - 2 eggs
6 tablespoons cream Kitchen
6 tablespoons dry white wine
2 tablespoons sugar - 1 pinch of salt
lard for frying - icing sugar to taste

dough is quite firm, make a ball and put it to rest in a cool place for about an hour. Following roll out the dough to a thickness of 100 lire coin and cut the trackwheel (the rudlèina) : Make it as twisted ribbons that you want, or rags
(i str ass) , 5-6 x 8-9 cm, the center of which run two longitudinal incisions.
Intrecciatene edges as desired and fry in hot lard. Once placed on paper towels, sprinkle with powdered sugar and, if desired, to taste them with whipped cream (LAT-mel) .

Recipe n.3
(variation with yeast and olive 'oil)

500 gr. white flour
3 eggs
3 tablespoons of olive 'oil
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 orange (grated rind)
2 cups Marsala
1 dose for sweet (for a pound of flour)
taste fresh lard (for frying)
icing sugar to taste - 1 pinch of salt

Mix all ingredients until dough is firm enough to be spread easily with a rolling pin (la canela) .
Knead the dough and let rise in warm place for at least an hour. Roll out the dough to a thickness "of a shield" (a coin or 2-3 mm) and derive intrigoni by twisted ribbons or pieces of dough the size of 6 x 9 cm, making two cuts center of the dough with the wheel and then fold the flaps inside and outside. Arrange on intrigoni of towels on a platter for the dough (the tulir Ola) and let rise again for an 'other half hour. Fry them in plenty of boiling lard, drain them on absorbent paper and sprinkle with icing sugar.

intrigoni of recipes can be varied at will by using butter instead of lard or oil 'in oil' mixture, or by incorporating the egg whites. Some Rezdóre (housewives) prefer to use Elderberry liqueur, Brandy, Sassolino, anisette or even brandy instead of white wine or Marsala, and some offer also the variant with the juice of two oranges and a little water cedar. I read that there is also the recipe with the 'addition to the stones of a good tablespoon white wine vinegar because "ACSE id' vèinten more or SF Roj ", so Intrigoni become more brittle. In other words, there is no unique recipe for these cakes, but there are many variations arising from taste and 'experience of every housewife.

And now the delicious recipe ....
whipped cream (LAT-MEL)

100 gr. mascarpone
a glass of milk
1 tablespoon sugar (including icing)
(1 tablespoon cocoa powder, optional)

Combine the mascarpone milk and assemble them together to obtain a creamy and soft, like a white mousse. Combine the sugar until the end and mix thoroughly to complete preparation. If you want you can add a tablespoon of cocoa powder.

( for recipes and curiosity, I consulted the book by Julie Bagnoli, "The Peasant Kitchen Reggiana)

ENJOY! :-)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Cervical Mucus Like White Snot



MANY WISHES !!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hair Volume Infomercials

to Carnevèl!

"is the Carnevèl galantòm,
with BESA to the Berber women,
ip with and A 'ja makes balers,
to Carnevèl Viva viva! "

(Carnival is a gentleman,
bearded kisses women
ago with her feet dance,
alive Viva Carnival! )

We at Carnival time and browse through the bookshelves of a shopping mall in the city, drew my attention to a part of the shop in Reggio Emilia and its traditions. I brought home a beautiful book by Julie Bagnoli, a pediatrician and a fan of traditions Reggio Emilia, I started leafing through it and now, with pleasure, I found several pages entirely devoted to poems and rhymes on this holiday season ...

Book cover
's introduction to the carnival section of the rhymes is perfect for giving an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the Carnival was experienced by the children of one and bring it here in full.

"When, in the days of 'winter, between late January and one in February, the masks turned from court to court, to collect some money or some candy, the streets are alive with a come-usually go. They were children who were masked to Benemeglio prepared, each a series of nursery rhymes carnival, with both classic texts, both with texts new, invented during the 'calendar year and representatives from moments of hilarity and fun. They were mostly moments of exchange and mutual understanding that allowed the children of the local community to be known by the inhabitants of nearby houses and, in turn, to know the adults of the community. In addition to the time of joy and fun, therefore, the ritual of begging carnival was enriched with the new member of the community. The 'element of exchange between the children and REZDÓRE (housewives) was just the rhyme: from her acting would lead to a more or less rich begging for sweets and other simple treats. "

Grandfather and great-grandmother (Rezdóra), from 'album "Once Upon a Time ..."
Among the many nursery rhymes in the book I have some choices, I think the most significant and perhaps the most recited by children and adults in the days of Carnival. The first, The Pujana, was quoted by ' author as "the carrier which was based on the recitation of templates, ranging from house to house to get some candy ..."

"The pujàna concomitantly to PEL
CIAM Carnevèl.
Carnevèl an 'is something prudent gnîr,
and the pujàna murîr the tin.
Leze ch 'la Mora,
AGH faròm' na new house,
new nuvèinta,
a pulèinta ed Piatt,
a salsésa ed Piatt,
faròm the baler to Margherita.
Margherita di curàj,
Selten just the gal who sings,
about the Writing and it galèina,
Selten only Margheriteina.

The buzzards above the pole
called Carnival.
Carnival could not come
and buzzards must die.
let die
we will make a new house,
new ninety
a dish of polenta
a plate of sausage,
'll dance the Margherita
Margaret coral
jumps above, which the cock crows,
sings the rooster and the hen,
jumps up daisies.


"Band Band of the fe Streda
gh'è that the mascherèda,

agh sòm mè e mê fradèll,

cùn la pióma sul capèll,

al capèll di trî culór,

un salót a lôr sign ór."

Banda band make the road
the masquerade that is here,
we My brother and I,
with the feather in his hat,
hat three colors,
a salute to gentlemen.


"O rezdóra SIV in CA?
dil Fritel, s'in will?
S'in will 'na great padleda?
O rezd óra siv cursed? "

O housewives are at home?
pancakes if they will?
It will make a big pan?
O housewife you are sick?

Detail of painting "The Mask II", Gaetano Chierici, 1869
From memories' of childhood low-Reggio Emilia, more precisely from this is Luzzara story in rhyme, in Italian and in dialect form that describes the figure of a man "big eater" and far too fat, who spends his days always so cheerful and jolly. A sort of "mask", the image of a carnival of food and plenty of light-hearted.

Happy Hearts

Fifty years on my back
and are big, fat, fat
I have a big face on the full moon,
a round, red, red,
and throat, I buried
under a high-fat six fingers.

'm fit as a fiddle,
are strong as a bull,
the belly is growing every day
allargasi and the pylorus.
eat and drink at my talent
and my name is Happy Hearts.

When I want to lie down,
I fall slowly,
when I get up to
prop me with his hand
and three hits, one, two, three
Auffe, how hot are on your feet!

A casino I was from the fire
's incinerated last night:
is to see that so little
I'll lose the 'appetite?
What do you burn a hundred,
there bay Happy Hearts!

One fine day when my wives
poor girl is gone,
a tear sincere
m'è fell down in one eye,
but past that point
Heart Glad I came back!

"THE MASK VIII (bad jokes), Gaetano Chierici 1891
I put two images of works by the painter Gaetano Chierici Reggio (1838-1920) leader of the nineteenth-century pictorial realism, as well as a leading figure in the politics of the common cheese. 'S former Institute d' art, now art school always brings his name and the pictures of clerics still enjoy high prices at international auctions and Italian. The book is full of reproductions of his paintings and in a nursery rhyme and fairy tale you can admire these beautiful slices of peasant life, d 'other times, life is poor but very real in its simplicity.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Rodriguez Trans Blog Post

Julie & Helena: the Girls with Gun! *.* Western New Necklace Collection-preview-

Julie&Helena: *Le Ragazze con la Pistola* Western Collection -Anteprima-

See You Soon!!

Starring *Julie & Helena*
Photos by BennyBoy&HisHer

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Women Doctors And Penises

Little & Sweet Temptations * * * My Grandma

Some *Little & Sweet Temptations* for You! *.*

Details: *Strawberry Chupa Chups' Temptation* Brooch or Ring

Materials: Vintage silver filigree, tibetan silver chupa chups' pendant

*Chocolate's Temptations* Brooch or Ring

Materials: Vintage silver filigree, tibetan silver chocolate box pendant (handpainted)

*My Mother's Temptations* Brooch

Materials: Vintage silver filigree, tibetan silver sweeties & teapot pendants

* Temptation * Capucine's Ring

Materials: Vintage silver filigree, tibetan silver pendant teacup (handpainted)

Hope You Will Enjoy!

*.* S *

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Treat Pre Pyloric Ulcer


As owner of five cats, I must admit to having a lack of information on the festival dedicated to our furry friends, because it completely ignores the existence of the FESTIVAL OF CATS! ;

Mimi in the snow with ... yawn! Dall 'album "Animals and my ..."
... Mimi ... you're right:-D ... but you have a mistress uninformed! It 's your party and even a cake I made biscuits! :-) Seriously I heard the news of this event today, at lunch, watching the news. E 'in 1990 which began' s initiative to give life to this party, after a referendum organized by the newspaper "TUTTOGATTO" for its readers. They thought at one month and chose the month of February because it is a sign of 'Aquarius, a sign with more in common with our Friends cats, especially in terms of insight, freedom and nonconformity. And why 17 days? Why do you write in Roman XVII that is nothing but (as usual) an anagram of VIXI, in Latin "I lived, I lived" and since we always say that cats have nine lives ... who better than they may have lived and stravissuto??
Kitty, from 'album, "Animals and my ..."
Reading between the various items of THE ZAMPA.IT I got to meet a multitude of fairs and exhibitions, markets and shows in this period, all with the theme "cat" to report GATTART FIORA LEONE current exhibition at Florence (in memory of the great artist passed away), during which they exhibit their works, painters, sculptors and artists from around the world an opportunity to meet for all art-lovers cats, their myths and their legends, animals, or sometimes described as beloved creatures of the devil. Certainly something mysterious, magical, behind the eyes of these cats spellcasters ... something supernatural? Why not. Perhaps this aura of mystery that hovers around them that attracted so much! It is said that famous people like Edgar Allan Poe or George Sand (aka Amantino Dupin, French writer) love her so much as to bring their cats at home on their shoulders or even to share a cup of breakfast ... for taking this good news, But I would say that here is a little exaggerated, I think! The event in Florence last until February 27, to highlight the launch of a book (I love to read!) titled "All 'shadow of the Black Cat" by Marina Pacini Alberghini, President of' ACADEMY OF MAGIC CATS , " free international non-profit association, legally recognized and that aims to deepen and spread the culture of the Cat and is intended to include all people who love cats, mates and inspiring works and life, to be together, to exchange experiences, observations, knowledge of the great works inspired by the cat and then spread to others in this culture a golden thread between past and present, in all countries of the world . "(from website)

Whisky on the windowsill, from 'album: my pets and not ...
reading all these news about the world of cats, you can also learn some yoga positions are derived from the animal world; the position of the cat for example, is ideal to do upon waking in the morning to stretch the column vertrebrale, so keep it supple and prevent sciatica, we should, in other words, stretching on all fours on the bed, just like cats .... we should maybe even get used to not throw us out of bed in a hurry to wake up calmly and quickly to have less, we would be much less stressed out, I might add!

Trilly aside from ... 'album: my pets and not ...
could not miss a final philosophical note, so you just have to mention the Gattoterapia. Some scholars argue that putting in the shoes of our feline friends and looking through their eyes, we can reduce anxieties and fears, as it has to accept or choose alternate routes, changing radically. Even relationships with partners would be more peaceful if we all behaved like cats. It is sufficient to learn how to greet and pamper yourself, do not expect anything negative, forgive and learn to forgive, not judge and do not judge ... so the psychologists say. As for my personal experience, cats have always been part of my life since childhood. We can say that I grew up with cats, I have always done and I still do companionship. I love their neighborhood, their being affectionate and sometimes a bit 'robbers .... their being so "cunning" but also so sweet. A wish, therefore, to all the feline friends and to you who read a greeting "miagolante" by:






Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Know If Monitor Is Hd

Tea Service *

I still remember as a child I loved a tea service that my grandmother had in the house .. I wanted to recreate the magic with this ring I saw with my own eyes ..
now I can take it with meee!

(I still remember When I was a child I loved a beautiful tea service Which my Grandmother HAD her house .. I've tried to recreate this with the Magic for You * My Grandma * Tea Service Ring .. Hope You Will Enjoy it!)

Materials: Tibetan Silver Pendants (teacup, teapot, handpainted chocolates-box, tray), vintage filigree, Swarovski Crystals * Sugar *: P

meantime, I leave you a small preview of the new-new, almost finished collection * Small & Sweet Temptations * main theme ...? chocolates, tarts, tea, ice cream, honey, coffee, cooks and kitchen ..., P A

Italian's Breakfast Time! Earrings

Meanwhile, I leave You Also a little preview of the new-new, Almost finished * Little & Sweet Temptations * Collection ..
the Main Theme? Chocolates, Tarts, Tea, Ice Cream, Honey, Coffee, Cooks and Kitchen ..
See you soooon! , P

* * Miel et Confiture - Honey & Jam (Ring)

but now ....
pampering for Nana!!

(and now ... sweeties to Nana!)


Monday, February 14, 2011

Maytag Performance Dryer Pye2200ayw

Gustavo Bolivar Moreno - Without tits there's no heaven

Gustavo Bolivar Moreno was a revelation to me. A journalist and writer said in rather Colombia, which has had great success with this book, so that they have been is a TV series with record audiences in South America and Spain. Italians took advantage immediately with their version The two faces of love, with Lorenzo Flaherty . I do not watch TV, let alone the TV series, and this book seems so raw and with an ending that can not continue, that I just can not imagine how it could be a number series.

The story of Catalina , young fourteen year old who lives in Pereira, a small Colombian town, where people are so poor that for a dignified life is just ready for anything. Especially the girls, who have the opportunity to sell to drug traffickers for a night, two, three or more, in exchange for money. And if the drug dealer had to choose just the rich and ... Well, it would be a completely different life.

Catalina dreams of becoming as her friends, who spend more evenings with the boss, and in return receive a lot of money, clothes galore, luxury cars, homes and anything else they want. Some, if lucky, he also manages to make going steady or even to marry, and his own fortune assured. But Catalina has a problem: it is not exactly the prototype of woman that appeals to Colombian drug traffickers. She has only a second breast, and those beyond like women with a stunning body, but especially with big tits like melons. Catalina's dream is to rebuild the roof, so will finally enter the world dreamed of wealth and hope to become the wife of one of the bosses. The operation becomes an obsession, but the girl is just 14 years, and especially not a single penny. How and where to find the money if the only way is to sell, but nobody wants because it has a large breast? Catalina is desperate, does not want to end up the mother does not even want to be with her boyfriend who loves her so much, that life would do you do? E 'then decided to undergo surgery at all costs, by anyone.
Catalina, desperate, will enter at the first opportunity in a very bad round of bodyguards, drivers and sub-boss. Its beginning is not the best, and thanks to bad luck after another will suffer abuse and humiliation. Until they fail to undergo surgery breast. After that I went to bed with anyone, finally find a doctor who will work in exchange for sexual favors, and his life will change. A fourth of the bra is finally entering the world of the most popular drug dealers, prostitution, high village, exclusive and luxurious touch with a finger and happiness. But not everything that glitters is gold in a world where the values \u200b\u200bdo not exist, people betray each other, and whoever can kill you for nothing, even if they do not go anymore.
Catalina live a drama after another, by her husband, her friends, her best friend Yesica, the boyfriend who broke the bales to wait, mother, brother, until the inevitable epilogue, designated with a huge smile on his lips.

A book that I really liked, hard, raw and very realistic, but written in a pleasant, smooth, and not impressive at all, despite many shameless cruelty and selfishness. But then the author has sought to convey a very strong message, continuing until the end, to declare that the self-respect, as always, makes blind.

Votka Problems With Male

Received from Thomas!

Tomaso Thank you for your friendship and for this wonderful thought! !

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Seating Diagram Wedding, Template


E 'come on Valentine's Day and, while holding that' s love for a person should always cultivated, cared for and shown every day on 'year, in February 2010 I saw committed to writing my own personal thought on 'Love, thinking that I published the first blog post THE MOON IN THE SEA. He was born of a set of reflections on the past, the strengths on which to lean a feeling to grow and stay alive, consistency and good will, the ability to be present when needed, not only in words but also (and especially ) with the facts. Someone had called in a comment like " .. a sort of reminder to those who too often forget ..." , I think he was right ... This year I decided to propose it again here, as a dedication to all of you with the 'hope that the whole' love and sweet thoughts of the day can be extended to all the days of 'years ...

My thoughts d 'Amore

"Love is only when you love the consistency his strong point,
love is a good word, but pleaded not simply given;

love is love yes, even his tears, but also try not to provoke .

love can live in silence, but we can also die slowly

because silence can be worth a thousand words,

but a single word spoken from the heart

has a value without units.

Love you believe his words

with his words and build the way to happiness;

love is to believe in achieving that goal

would cost up to long waits.

Love is patient,

love is to listen,

love is not sleeping

to let his heart may contact your ,

at all times that the darkness of the night will shake his soul

and there will be a stroke better than your word.

Love is give it time,

who has the time to build,

to be back and grow wings to fly;

love is not to say that time is for you, time lost:

love is shaping the time with your presence

snack faster so that the feathers on its wings

because it will just fly with those wings away together.

Love is looking together in the same direction

but also to cement the foundations of a new path together.

Love is able to forgive yes, but do not have to become more forgiving;

love is to understand what hurts 'and then the other' impossible because his heart

never again cuts, because the same mistakes are not repeated;

does not take much, just remember that.

Love is not to heal the wounds of his life changing road

choosing the location most convenient and quick;

would not love that heals, but love that kills.
Love has come into his life, find a comfortable corner and stay there
love is to sit there even if it is shaken

by the storm, wind, cold

because if you believe in what you are doing, the weather certainly will.

say love is and will always love you with all my might, but beware of lying when they say: Be responsible for your words

not to reduce to 'the other' core pieces .

Love is for you to say I'll be there forever, and if you say

facts always find when you try,

otherwise will no longer have anything in life that is worth fighting for.

Love is affecting his heart in every word that is given;

remember, then, that a love can not be erased with a sponge.

Love is to love unconditionally, without pretensions;

love and be loved by those who love it has so much to give,

love is love to 'infinite who has an infinite need 's love

without asking too many boundaries,

but simply drifting from the music of our hearts.

Sabrina (February 6, 2010)

Rose in my garden, Flower and Butterfly album.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

How Many Calories In Chinese Curry Sauce?

Soon is February 14 and as usual for 10 years now, in the province of Reggio Emilia, Valentine's Day balloon flies! Yes, you got it, the Valentine's Day is celebrated with the International Hot Air Balloon Rally, which began Thursday, February 10 this year and has already seen off dozens of balloons from various parts of Europe '. Opportunity that is repeated to give everyone a moment of celebration very original and unusual. The balloons are found each year Carpineti 's common Appennino Reggiano, and slowly, Silently, they fill the sky like so many, giant blobs of color ... we're all in the nose to 'upward to observe them one by one, because each balloon is different from the other designs and colors, each one representing one's country, snorts and blows as he gets up, slowly, towards the sky, the clouds ...

balloon in the race, photos from the web
The event includes a number of departure times of the balloons, divided into five days of 'event and who may want to try l 'emotion to board and get you quite a scenic ride. Hornbeam ( Carpnèida dialect Reggiano or Carpnéda in local dialect) is well worth a visit or at least time for a 'hike and is located near the river Secchia and streams and Tresinaro Tassobbio and still has a Castle Romanesque castle called of Carpinete , once owned by the Countess Matilde di Canossa. This castle can be visited in recent days thanks to 'extraordinary opening to the event in progress.
For more information on Castle click here

View Carpineti and the Castle, photos from the web

Steps Carpineti photos from the web
Castle of Carpinete, photos from the web
For the 'occasion even set up markets where art you can buy oils and natural soaps, handmade chocolate and tea as well as fine, while the public library of a large room for 'entertainment of children with creative workshops and stories throughout the afternoon. Below the poster with the events, some unfortunately already passed, but some are very interesting in the next coming days.