Saturday, February 12, 2011

How Many Calories In Chinese Curry Sauce?

Soon is February 14 and as usual for 10 years now, in the province of Reggio Emilia, Valentine's Day balloon flies! Yes, you got it, the Valentine's Day is celebrated with the International Hot Air Balloon Rally, which began Thursday, February 10 this year and has already seen off dozens of balloons from various parts of Europe '. Opportunity that is repeated to give everyone a moment of celebration very original and unusual. The balloons are found each year Carpineti 's common Appennino Reggiano, and slowly, Silently, they fill the sky like so many, giant blobs of color ... we're all in the nose to 'upward to observe them one by one, because each balloon is different from the other designs and colors, each one representing one's country, snorts and blows as he gets up, slowly, towards the sky, the clouds ...

balloon in the race, photos from the web
The event includes a number of departure times of the balloons, divided into five days of 'event and who may want to try l 'emotion to board and get you quite a scenic ride. Hornbeam ( Carpnèida dialect Reggiano or Carpnéda in local dialect) is well worth a visit or at least time for a 'hike and is located near the river Secchia and streams and Tresinaro Tassobbio and still has a Castle Romanesque castle called of Carpinete , once owned by the Countess Matilde di Canossa. This castle can be visited in recent days thanks to 'extraordinary opening to the event in progress.
For more information on Castle click here

View Carpineti and the Castle, photos from the web

Steps Carpineti photos from the web
Castle of Carpinete, photos from the web
For the 'occasion even set up markets where art you can buy oils and natural soaps, handmade chocolate and tea as well as fine, while the public library of a large room for 'entertainment of children with creative workshops and stories throughout the afternoon. Below the poster with the events, some unfortunately already passed, but some are very interesting in the next coming days.


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