Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Is Geographic Tongue Caused By A Virus

Rafik Schama - The voice of the night

A novel that I wanted to read and I was given a special person, sweet and delicate as her, and at the same time a light reading and entertainment.
Rafik Schama wraps his tales from the Arabian Nights acclimatized to Damascus, the city where he was born and that he remained inside, despite having spent most of his life in Germany .
The protagonist is Salim, an old coachman well known in Damascus for his storytelling skills, skills that do magic in the eyes of his guests, friends and acquaintances. Salim lives alone, has lost his wife and now has lost the voice. His soothing voice that enchanted, conquered and left it all open-mouthed. Salim is desperate, a man without a voice can not listen, to hear why you must also speak. So begins the adventure, in which close friends to tell Salim every night, one at a time, their history, to break the spell that has taken the word to the coachman.

And every story smells of the East is a precious little gem full of wisdom, where you can breathe a strange land, intrigue and dream, almost like a fairy tale from the Arabian Nights. Salim find his voice, but thanks to the stories of his friends, but to that of a woman, a special woman.
write a simple and not too refined, perhaps a book from which I expected more given the fame author, but that has rocked me in a kind of dream, reminding me a bit ' The Arabian Nights, a bit' cartoon of the Walt Disney Aladin who watched on television as a child and a bit ' Steinbeck in his wonderful Tortilla Flat. Of course, I am a very realistic woman, I like to dream but not too much, and certainly if he had been a longer novel would have bored me, but it's a nice mix of light that flows without overdoing it. I recommend it to anime dreamers therefore, to those who love the East, its land and its people, who want recreation and those who want to remember, through its pages, a romantic love away, and for me one who is me ' nice.

"His words have awakened my heart, announced the prince. And here, in front of you, I ask Leila to marry him. The villagers did big celebration. But Leila raised his long, thin hand and said, no, my dear prince. I thank you but I want to be free, and live in the world. In your castle I felt trapped. Prince, I love life and freedom! The villagers were speechless, believe that Leila was crazy. But Leila realized his dream, and went around the world. The desert from Yemen, came to Baghdad, where he fell in love with a man who drove the trains. Leila became pregnant, but she was a free being, such as gazelles, and even just before giving birth continued to wander around and collect their stories. His companion was eager to become a father and hoped that Leila stopped beside him. When informed that he would no longer traveled, she began to weep in despair. That night he fled to Damascus, where he was born his daughter Fatima. And if a prince and a great love had failed to stop her, but she managed a small Fatima. For his sake, in fact, Leila stayed in Damascus for eighteen years. But one day she told her daughter Leila who had to leave, and that so long dreamed of traveling in foreign lands and countries, to learn so many new stories. The daughter was speechless. And Leila was gone, along with all his stories. "


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