Sunday, February 27, 2011

Can A Twisted Bowel Cause Back Pain



There are several recipes, or better, variants of the same recipe to make wonderful intrigoni and thought I'd write some, the most commonly used to cook these cakes at Carnival. The intrigoni are widespread in many parts of d 'and Italy are also called Frappe, or Frappole Sfrappole. In Reggio Emilia, according to local tradition, are called "INTRIGÒUN" and should be dipped (puce) in a delicious whipped cream (the lat-mel) cream made with mascarpone cheese and milk which I leave the recipe in the bottom of the page. The intrigoni are made with "rags" (str ass) , pieces of sweet dough that are rolled and twisted (intrigue) pleasure according to the customs of particular several countries in the province:
in fact named after Correggio also "Rusòun" (rosettes) because they are twisted round, like a rose, while in Guastalla are called "LI LATÛGHI" (lettuce) to their similarity to the leaves of lettuce.

Recipe n.1

500 gr. white flour
2 whole eggs and egg yolk
1 tablespoon full of lard
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
white wine to taste (about two cups )
lard to fry - sugar

Mix all ingredients in order to obtain a firm dough and rolling pin to pull (la canela) . Take a ball of dough, let it rest for half an hour then roll it out with the cinnamon to a thickness of about 2-3 mm. With the toothed wheel make rectangles of dough (about 9 x 6 cm.) And draw the trackwheel to two cuts' inside the pasta, along the long side: twisted the hem as you like. Fate of pasta ribbons of different length and 2-3 cm wide. Braided tapes ring, eyelet, a cockade. In a skillet, melt the lard and when it is hot, fry it in the intrigoni. When they are golden brown (but not too much), put them on paper towels and sprinkle with powdered sugar. They should be eaten hot or cold, dipped in whipped cream (see recipe).

Recipe No.2
(version with cream )

300 gr. white flour - 2 eggs
6 tablespoons cream Kitchen
6 tablespoons dry white wine
2 tablespoons sugar - 1 pinch of salt
lard for frying - icing sugar to taste

dough is quite firm, make a ball and put it to rest in a cool place for about an hour. Following roll out the dough to a thickness of 100 lire coin and cut the trackwheel (the rudlèina) : Make it as twisted ribbons that you want, or rags
(i str ass) , 5-6 x 8-9 cm, the center of which run two longitudinal incisions.
Intrecciatene edges as desired and fry in hot lard. Once placed on paper towels, sprinkle with powdered sugar and, if desired, to taste them with whipped cream (LAT-mel) .

Recipe n.3
(variation with yeast and olive 'oil)

500 gr. white flour
3 eggs
3 tablespoons of olive 'oil
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 orange (grated rind)
2 cups Marsala
1 dose for sweet (for a pound of flour)
taste fresh lard (for frying)
icing sugar to taste - 1 pinch of salt

Mix all ingredients until dough is firm enough to be spread easily with a rolling pin (la canela) .
Knead the dough and let rise in warm place for at least an hour. Roll out the dough to a thickness "of a shield" (a coin or 2-3 mm) and derive intrigoni by twisted ribbons or pieces of dough the size of 6 x 9 cm, making two cuts center of the dough with the wheel and then fold the flaps inside and outside. Arrange on intrigoni of towels on a platter for the dough (the tulir Ola) and let rise again for an 'other half hour. Fry them in plenty of boiling lard, drain them on absorbent paper and sprinkle with icing sugar.

intrigoni of recipes can be varied at will by using butter instead of lard or oil 'in oil' mixture, or by incorporating the egg whites. Some Rezdóre (housewives) prefer to use Elderberry liqueur, Brandy, Sassolino, anisette or even brandy instead of white wine or Marsala, and some offer also the variant with the juice of two oranges and a little water cedar. I read that there is also the recipe with the 'addition to the stones of a good tablespoon white wine vinegar because "ACSE id' vèinten more or SF Roj ", so Intrigoni become more brittle. In other words, there is no unique recipe for these cakes, but there are many variations arising from taste and 'experience of every housewife.

And now the delicious recipe ....
whipped cream (LAT-MEL)

100 gr. mascarpone
a glass of milk
1 tablespoon sugar (including icing)
(1 tablespoon cocoa powder, optional)

Combine the mascarpone milk and assemble them together to obtain a creamy and soft, like a white mousse. Combine the sugar until the end and mix thoroughly to complete preparation. If you want you can add a tablespoon of cocoa powder.

( for recipes and curiosity, I consulted the book by Julie Bagnoli, "The Peasant Kitchen Reggiana)

ENJOY! :-)


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