Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hair Volume Infomercials

to Carnevèl!

"is the Carnevèl galantòm,
with BESA to the Berber women,
ip with and A 'ja makes balers,
to Carnevèl Viva viva! "

(Carnival is a gentleman,
bearded kisses women
ago with her feet dance,
alive Viva Carnival! )

We at Carnival time and browse through the bookshelves of a shopping mall in the city, drew my attention to a part of the shop in Reggio Emilia and its traditions. I brought home a beautiful book by Julie Bagnoli, a pediatrician and a fan of traditions Reggio Emilia, I started leafing through it and now, with pleasure, I found several pages entirely devoted to poems and rhymes on this holiday season ...

Book cover
's introduction to the carnival section of the rhymes is perfect for giving an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the Carnival was experienced by the children of one and bring it here in full.

"When, in the days of 'winter, between late January and one in February, the masks turned from court to court, to collect some money or some candy, the streets are alive with a come-usually go. They were children who were masked to Benemeglio prepared, each a series of nursery rhymes carnival, with both classic texts, both with texts new, invented during the 'calendar year and representatives from moments of hilarity and fun. They were mostly moments of exchange and mutual understanding that allowed the children of the local community to be known by the inhabitants of nearby houses and, in turn, to know the adults of the community. In addition to the time of joy and fun, therefore, the ritual of begging carnival was enriched with the new member of the community. The 'element of exchange between the children and REZDÓRE (housewives) was just the rhyme: from her acting would lead to a more or less rich begging for sweets and other simple treats. "

Grandfather and great-grandmother (Rezdóra), from 'album "Once Upon a Time ..."
Among the many nursery rhymes in the book I have some choices, I think the most significant and perhaps the most recited by children and adults in the days of Carnival. The first, The Pujana, was quoted by ' author as "the carrier which was based on the recitation of templates, ranging from house to house to get some candy ..."

"The pujàna concomitantly to PEL
CIAM Carnevèl.
Carnevèl an 'is something prudent gnîr,
and the pujàna murîr the tin.
Leze ch 'la Mora,
AGH faròm' na new house,
new nuvèinta,
a pulèinta ed Piatt,
a salsésa ed Piatt,
faròm the baler to Margherita.
Margherita di curàj,
Selten just the gal who sings,
about the Writing and it galèina,
Selten only Margheriteina.

The buzzards above the pole
called Carnival.
Carnival could not come
and buzzards must die.
let die
we will make a new house,
new ninety
a dish of polenta
a plate of sausage,
'll dance the Margherita
Margaret coral
jumps above, which the cock crows,
sings the rooster and the hen,
jumps up daisies.


"Band Band of the fe Streda
gh'è that the mascherèda,

agh sòm mè e mê fradèll,

cùn la pióma sul capèll,

al capèll di trî culór,

un salót a lôr sign ór."

Banda band make the road
the masquerade that is here,
we My brother and I,
with the feather in his hat,
hat three colors,
a salute to gentlemen.


"O rezdóra SIV in CA?
dil Fritel, s'in will?
S'in will 'na great padleda?
O rezd óra siv cursed? "

O housewives are at home?
pancakes if they will?
It will make a big pan?
O housewife you are sick?

Detail of painting "The Mask II", Gaetano Chierici, 1869
From memories' of childhood low-Reggio Emilia, more precisely from this is Luzzara story in rhyme, in Italian and in dialect form that describes the figure of a man "big eater" and far too fat, who spends his days always so cheerful and jolly. A sort of "mask", the image of a carnival of food and plenty of light-hearted.

Happy Hearts

Fifty years on my back
and are big, fat, fat
I have a big face on the full moon,
a round, red, red,
and throat, I buried
under a high-fat six fingers.

'm fit as a fiddle,
are strong as a bull,
the belly is growing every day
allargasi and the pylorus.
eat and drink at my talent
and my name is Happy Hearts.

When I want to lie down,
I fall slowly,
when I get up to
prop me with his hand
and three hits, one, two, three
Auffe, how hot are on your feet!

A casino I was from the fire
's incinerated last night:
is to see that so little
I'll lose the 'appetite?
What do you burn a hundred,
there bay Happy Hearts!

One fine day when my wives
poor girl is gone,
a tear sincere
m'è fell down in one eye,
but past that point
Heart Glad I came back!

"THE MASK VIII (bad jokes), Gaetano Chierici 1891
I put two images of works by the painter Gaetano Chierici Reggio (1838-1920) leader of the nineteenth-century pictorial realism, as well as a leading figure in the politics of the common cheese. 'S former Institute d' art, now art school always brings his name and the pictures of clerics still enjoy high prices at international auctions and Italian. The book is full of reproductions of his paintings and in a nursery rhyme and fairy tale you can admire these beautiful slices of peasant life, d 'other times, life is poor but very real in its simplicity.



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