Monday, February 14, 2011

Maytag Performance Dryer Pye2200ayw

Gustavo Bolivar Moreno - Without tits there's no heaven

Gustavo Bolivar Moreno was a revelation to me. A journalist and writer said in rather Colombia, which has had great success with this book, so that they have been is a TV series with record audiences in South America and Spain. Italians took advantage immediately with their version The two faces of love, with Lorenzo Flaherty . I do not watch TV, let alone the TV series, and this book seems so raw and with an ending that can not continue, that I just can not imagine how it could be a number series.

The story of Catalina , young fourteen year old who lives in Pereira, a small Colombian town, where people are so poor that for a dignified life is just ready for anything. Especially the girls, who have the opportunity to sell to drug traffickers for a night, two, three or more, in exchange for money. And if the drug dealer had to choose just the rich and ... Well, it would be a completely different life.

Catalina dreams of becoming as her friends, who spend more evenings with the boss, and in return receive a lot of money, clothes galore, luxury cars, homes and anything else they want. Some, if lucky, he also manages to make going steady or even to marry, and his own fortune assured. But Catalina has a problem: it is not exactly the prototype of woman that appeals to Colombian drug traffickers. She has only a second breast, and those beyond like women with a stunning body, but especially with big tits like melons. Catalina's dream is to rebuild the roof, so will finally enter the world dreamed of wealth and hope to become the wife of one of the bosses. The operation becomes an obsession, but the girl is just 14 years, and especially not a single penny. How and where to find the money if the only way is to sell, but nobody wants because it has a large breast? Catalina is desperate, does not want to end up the mother does not even want to be with her boyfriend who loves her so much, that life would do you do? E 'then decided to undergo surgery at all costs, by anyone.
Catalina, desperate, will enter at the first opportunity in a very bad round of bodyguards, drivers and sub-boss. Its beginning is not the best, and thanks to bad luck after another will suffer abuse and humiliation. Until they fail to undergo surgery breast. After that I went to bed with anyone, finally find a doctor who will work in exchange for sexual favors, and his life will change. A fourth of the bra is finally entering the world of the most popular drug dealers, prostitution, high village, exclusive and luxurious touch with a finger and happiness. But not everything that glitters is gold in a world where the values \u200b\u200bdo not exist, people betray each other, and whoever can kill you for nothing, even if they do not go anymore.
Catalina live a drama after another, by her husband, her friends, her best friend Yesica, the boyfriend who broke the bales to wait, mother, brother, until the inevitable epilogue, designated with a huge smile on his lips.

A book that I really liked, hard, raw and very realistic, but written in a pleasant, smooth, and not impressive at all, despite many shameless cruelty and selfishness. But then the author has sought to convey a very strong message, continuing until the end, to declare that the self-respect, as always, makes blind.


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