Thursday, February 17, 2011

Treat Pre Pyloric Ulcer


As owner of five cats, I must admit to having a lack of information on the festival dedicated to our furry friends, because it completely ignores the existence of the FESTIVAL OF CATS! ;

Mimi in the snow with ... yawn! Dall 'album "Animals and my ..."
... Mimi ... you're right:-D ... but you have a mistress uninformed! It 's your party and even a cake I made biscuits! :-) Seriously I heard the news of this event today, at lunch, watching the news. E 'in 1990 which began' s initiative to give life to this party, after a referendum organized by the newspaper "TUTTOGATTO" for its readers. They thought at one month and chose the month of February because it is a sign of 'Aquarius, a sign with more in common with our Friends cats, especially in terms of insight, freedom and nonconformity. And why 17 days? Why do you write in Roman XVII that is nothing but (as usual) an anagram of VIXI, in Latin "I lived, I lived" and since we always say that cats have nine lives ... who better than they may have lived and stravissuto??
Kitty, from 'album, "Animals and my ..."
Reading between the various items of THE ZAMPA.IT I got to meet a multitude of fairs and exhibitions, markets and shows in this period, all with the theme "cat" to report GATTART FIORA LEONE current exhibition at Florence (in memory of the great artist passed away), during which they exhibit their works, painters, sculptors and artists from around the world an opportunity to meet for all art-lovers cats, their myths and their legends, animals, or sometimes described as beloved creatures of the devil. Certainly something mysterious, magical, behind the eyes of these cats spellcasters ... something supernatural? Why not. Perhaps this aura of mystery that hovers around them that attracted so much! It is said that famous people like Edgar Allan Poe or George Sand (aka Amantino Dupin, French writer) love her so much as to bring their cats at home on their shoulders or even to share a cup of breakfast ... for taking this good news, But I would say that here is a little exaggerated, I think! The event in Florence last until February 27, to highlight the launch of a book (I love to read!) titled "All 'shadow of the Black Cat" by Marina Pacini Alberghini, President of' ACADEMY OF MAGIC CATS , " free international non-profit association, legally recognized and that aims to deepen and spread the culture of the Cat and is intended to include all people who love cats, mates and inspiring works and life, to be together, to exchange experiences, observations, knowledge of the great works inspired by the cat and then spread to others in this culture a golden thread between past and present, in all countries of the world . "(from website)

Whisky on the windowsill, from 'album: my pets and not ...
reading all these news about the world of cats, you can also learn some yoga positions are derived from the animal world; the position of the cat for example, is ideal to do upon waking in the morning to stretch the column vertrebrale, so keep it supple and prevent sciatica, we should, in other words, stretching on all fours on the bed, just like cats .... we should maybe even get used to not throw us out of bed in a hurry to wake up calmly and quickly to have less, we would be much less stressed out, I might add!

Trilly aside from ... 'album: my pets and not ...
could not miss a final philosophical note, so you just have to mention the Gattoterapia. Some scholars argue that putting in the shoes of our feline friends and looking through their eyes, we can reduce anxieties and fears, as it has to accept or choose alternate routes, changing radically. Even relationships with partners would be more peaceful if we all behaved like cats. It is sufficient to learn how to greet and pamper yourself, do not expect anything negative, forgive and learn to forgive, not judge and do not judge ... so the psychologists say. As for my personal experience, cats have always been part of my life since childhood. We can say that I grew up with cats, I have always done and I still do companionship. I love their neighborhood, their being affectionate and sometimes a bit 'robbers .... their being so "cunning" but also so sweet. A wish, therefore, to all the feline friends and to you who read a greeting "miagolante" by:







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